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No one's POV:

After practically burning themselves in the sun while spending all day at the beach, the gang decided to return back to the summer house since it started getting dark.

And that's when Yeona noticed how badly her shoulders and arms stung,

"Aish...I forgot to apply sunscreen!" She scolded herself.

>>Short Time Skip>>

Everyone entered their rooms to to shower and change their swimsuits and everything. Yeona was still mad at Hyunjin and didn't want to spare him a single glance,

"You can shower first." He offered and Yeona said a quick "Okay" before closing the bathroom door after her.

About 15 minutes later, she still hasn't come out and that's when Hyunjin heard an "Oww!" from inside.

He quickly ran towards the bathroom door, "Yeona? Is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I'm fin-sfffahh!" And that's when Hyunjin just opened the door and entered.

He found her standing there, wearing a pair of shorts and halfway-dressed in a t-shirt which still showed her tummy and bra.

"W-What do you think you're doing here?!" She yelled at him.

"Relax, I just saw you in a bikini. It's the same thing." He stated.

"No it's not! You shouldn't-ow ow ow ow!" She was interrupted by another sting when Hyunjin touched her shirt that she was trying to put on her.

"What's wrong?" He asked, now worried.

"Nothing. It's just a small sunburn." Yeona answered him without looking. Hyunjin took of the part of the shirt that Yeona managed to put on her to see her shoulders and arms tinted bright red. They almost looked on fire.

"What the hell Yeona?! You're about to turn into a phoenix! And you're telling me it's a small sunburn?! You didn't apply sunscreen?"

Yeona shook her head

"PABO! How could you forget something like that?!" He scolded her.

"I don't know! I just got excited by the beach and all so I didn't think before jumping in the water!"

Hyunjin sighed, "Come out. We should apply a moisturising ointment on them."

"No it's fine, it doesn't even hurt that much." Yeona protested.

"Oh really? Cuz it seemed otherwise a few minutes ago when you were trying to wear that shirt." Hyunjin said while placing his palm flat on one of Yeona's burned shoulders as she screamed in pain.

"OKAY OKAY REMOVE YOUR HAND!" She yelled while pushing away his palm. He clicked his tongue while grabbed her hand and exiting the bathroom. He made her sit at one side of the bed while he reached into a drawer to get out the ointment for sunburns as he sat behind her and started gently applying some to every red skin part on Yeona's shoulders, arms and back.

"You know, when I was little, I used to always forget my sunscreen and would end up with burned skin all weekend." He said. Yeona hummed in response.

She was too busy blushing

There was a few seconds of silence until Hyunjin spoke again, "Woah Yeona, you should treat your skin better than that. Your neck is all burned up too!" That's what he said before softly blowing on her neckline.

Yeona shivered but tried to maintain it.

Moments later, "All done." He stated while getting up to wash his hands.

Yeona took a deep breath that she didn't know she was holding and went up to him, "Um..thanks I guess..." she mumbled.

He smiled at her, "Sure. Oh by the way, I don't think you can wear a shirt right now. How about you wear a jacket instead? It'll be easier to put on."

"But...I didn't bring a jacket."

Hyunjin closed the faucet and looked at her in disbelief, "Didn't anyone tell you how cold it gets here at night?!"

"Well, no one told me ANYTHING since SOMEONE thought of telling me about this trip THIS morning!" Yeona reminded him by pressing on some words and he cleared his throat.

"Fine." He said while walking towards his bag, "You can just wear this." He threw a black zipper jacket at Yeona, "Cover up. No one else is allowed to see you like this." He gestured to her topless figure and Yeona's cheeks turned red,

"W-WHAT DOES THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! WHO ARE YOU EVEN?!" She puffed while quickly wearing Hyunjin's jacket and zipping it all the way up.

That's when they finally decided to go downstairs to sit with the others,

"OH MY GOD! A WALKING JACKET?! HYUNJIN YOUR SUMMER HOUSE IS HAUNTED!!" Was the first thing Jisung yelled after seeing Yeona coming downstairs.

"Calm down, it's just Yeona." Chan told him.

"Woah, Yeona, I barely saw you in that huge sweater." Jisung said after focusing on Yeona's small figure that was wrapped up in that big jacket.

"That's definitely not your size." Stated Changbin.

"Of course not guys *chuckle* it's Hyunjin's. I just borrowed it." Yeona finally explained.

"Makes sense. That's more like Hyunjin's size." Commented Seungmin while taking a sip of some juice.

"Ooh~ why'd you give her your jacket Hyunjiiiiin~?" Teased Minho.

"You guys have nothing better to do other than teasing?" Hyunjin scoffed, "Park Yeona here didn't bring any jacket or hoodie with her." He explained while taking a seat on the couch.

"Tch, it's good enough that I remembered to bring my other important stuff when you informed me about this trip so suddenly in the morning!" Yeona retorted while also taking a seat beside Felix.

"Enough bickering you two." Chan clapped his hands, "How about we play a game?" He suggested with a smirk.

My exams start tomorrow help

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