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Yeona's POV:

While turning the corner, I bumped into the person I was trying to avoid the most...

I froze in my place as he stopped as well, staring down at me with half closed eyes.

He looks...angry? Hurt? Maybe a little sadness too...

Although I'm the one who is angry at him, I couldn't help but notice the red mark on his left cheek,

"What happened to your face?" I asked after a long silence.

"Nothing." And he walked past me.

>>Time Skip>>

It was lunchtime and we were all seated at our usual table. That is me and the boys, excluding Hyunjin.

We don't know where he went.

"I looked for him everywhere but he just disappeared." Stated Jisung.

"And when he disappears like this he's either sad or angry as hell."

"Or both." Added Minho as we all sighed.

Minutes later, we heard a voice coming from the main speakers that were hung by the ceiling,

"Hello, this is Hwang Hyunjin speaking. I would like to announce that the sports competition held next week is cancelled."

We all looked at each other in confusion as all the other students did the same. The girls were about to cry I think.

We could also hear faint voices behind him,

"Get him out of here!"

"He's not supposed to enter this room!"

"Yah! You need persmission!"

But Hyunjin was ignoring all of them. He just said a quick "Thank you." And the voice stopped.

I looked at the rest as they did the same,

"He's in the broadcasting room!" We said in sync as we quickly stood up to head there and find some answers to what's happening.

After a small marathon there, Chan quickly opened the door to the broadcasting room. We saw a few other guys, probably the ones who were shouting at Hyunjin.

But no sign of Hyunjin.

"Aish...where did he go?" Muttered Minho as we decided to split up and find him.

I searched in every place I could think Hyunjin would go off too but still no luck. Then when I was turning to another hallway, I spotted someone I didn't expect to see here...

Hyunjin's grandmother

I didn't really want her to see me so I turned away quickly while still watching her. She seems to be headed towards the principal's office and she seems mad...

No one's POV:

Madam Hwang entered immediately into her husband's office, also known as the school's principal and owner, without knocking,

"Hwang Daesung, explain yourself!" She demanded.

The principal turned in his desk chair, startled by her sudden appearance,

"What do you mean dear? What's wrong and what are you doing here?"

"Explain to me that bizarre announcement that you've announced a few days ago."

"It's simple. The boy has grown up and needs to find a suitable partner." He explained briefly.

"He already has a girlfriend! You can't force him into being a part of that competition!"

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