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Ok so I know you guys want another update and I will soon but I have to tell you something. I am really embarrassed about it. But I'll tell you, because I trust you guys.

My dad caught me with it. Now let me tell you something, I am 16 so I was able to buy myself it. No it's nothing bad, but I am embarrassed that my dad knows I have one and using it.

It's not gross either you dirty minded people. I only use this for comfort. Ok I'm going to tell you.

He caught me using my pacifier. It's a Marshall Paw Patrol one. I was embarrassed and the sad thing is, is that I forgot I was sucking it when he came into my room.

Now if this changes your opinion of me or you feel disgusted and you stop following me or take my books out of your library then read the picture up top. I don't care about your opinion about my personal life.

I am not a little. I just like the feeling the paci gives me. I may like to wear onesies and use a bottle but that just makes me feel like all my worries disappear. Again I am not a little or anything like that.

I've been really stressed about not being able to go to school since one of my teachers got exposed to COVID so now everyone who takes her class has to stay home, me being one of them, and me having a huge headache from a past concussion. I've been worrying about me not being able to do my work or catch up with the rest of my classmates.

I don't have internet access so I can't do anything to be at school. So the paci helps me relax and feel comfortable about my situation.

I haven't told my parents about the paci and what it does for me. Not even my best friend/older sister so you should be honored to know about this about me.

If you feel like you should say something about me then go ahead, say what ever you want but know that I won't take it personally I will just pretend I never saw it. I don't see hate comments.

Now I will talk about my book. I'm working on the next chapter so be prepared for the update. I'm excited to post the next few chapters though.

If you made it this far thank you for listening to my vent. You are a real reader. Thanks for your comments on my past chapters.


Do you remember Jungkook's dream? Well you better because it's important. Maybe it wasn't a dream at all. Maybe it was the.... I'm just kidding I'm not gonna tell you.😂

But for reals. I do hope you remember the dream. It is important to know it.

Alright I think that is all. Oh yeah the face reveal. Do you guys even care about the face behind the stories?

I'm not sure if you want to know what I look like especially after what I told you about my stress reliever.

So I guess I'll leave it at that. If you do want to see what I look like then tell me and I will be sure to post a pic of me. I don't want to show it if no one really wants to know or cares what I look like.

I'll leave the A/N at that. Thanks of reading this and for your support. I'll get finished with the chapter as soon as possible.

See your comments later Flowers.


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