Ch 5

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3rd POV

Yoongi sat on the floor. Waiting to introduce himself. "Ok who's next?" The teacher asked. Yoongi stood up and walked up in front of everyone.

"Hello, I'm Yoongi and I don't like people. Thank you." With that he sat down. That was how Yoongi's day went. Everyone stayed away from him, so did the teacher. Mrs. Choi.

"Why dont you like anyone?" A boy asked. Yoongi looked at him. And growled. Showing teeth. This made him run away. Yoongi smirk at his accomplishment. This was gonna be a good year.

"Kim Yoongi!" Never mind. "What." Yoongi asked. The teacher walked up to him angry and started to yell.

"Why did you growled at Kiyo? He just wants to be your friend." Mrs. Choi said. Yoongi just stares at her. He didn't have time nor did her care about this argument.

"Look Mrs. I dont care. Really. This is fifth grade not preschool. I don't need friends nor do I want them. Plus why did this loser cry to you? I already said I don't like people. Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk to anyone right now." Yoongi said. He placed his head down back on the desk. Ditching his history and started to nap.

"Ok mister Kim! Detention and on the first day of school." The teacher said with a smirk. "Oh no. What a nightmare." The teacher got tired of Yoongi's attitude. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the office.

Once there she told the principal what he did and then left back to the classroom. Leaving Yoongi with the principal. "Ok Yoongi, can you tell me your side of the story now?"

Yoongi gave a small sigh. "What story? There isn't even a prologue." He said. The principal rubbed his eyes. " There must be a reason why you're in here."

"There is, I made the teacher angry. No my fault she can't handle the truth. Hey prin. Mind if I sleep here? This couch is comfy." Yoongi started to lay down when the principal slammed his hand on his desk.

"No! Kim Yoongi! What is going on with you? I got lots of reports from your old teachers telling me the same things." Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders. "How am I supposed to know what they have said about me if you don't tell me?"

"Well for one, you called a teacher an idiot." He replied. Yoongi laughed. "Ok on my defense. Mr. Lee pointed a ruler at me then said "at the end of the ruler is an idiot" I was the one who asked which end."

The principal shook his head sadly as Yoongi laughed. "Yoongi, I'm gonna call your mother and tell her I recommend you see a therapist. Hopefully he or she could get through to you." Yoongi's smile dropped.

"No. I dont want one. They're weird" he tried to reason with. "I'm sorry Yoongi, but you're getting too hard to handle lately." The principal looked at Yoongi for a while.

"Tell you what. If you can make at least one friend, just One Friend by monday. I won't tell your parents about this meeting. Ok?" Yoongi stared at him for a while. "Is this a bet?"

"Yes" Yoongi thought about it for while. "I won't have to see a therapist right?" He asked. "No"

"Alright. Deal" Yoongi shook hands with the principal's. "You know, I wasn't going to tell you're parents at all right?" He said smirking. Yoongi smiled. "I would've been ok with the therapist." He said walking out the office.

~~Time Skip~~

Yoongi sat in the corner. Hoping no one would talk to him. Since he was in fourth grade he had no play time. At least that long.

"God, I'm tired. I want to sleep." He said. Talking to himself. He didn't expect someone to answer but someone did. "You can. Just put your back on mine and sleep. It would make it look like you are still awake."

Yoongi turned around only to see Kiyo. "Why are you helping me when I could've bit you this morning?" Yoongi asked. Kiyo just shrugged. "I'm new. I'm trying to make new friends, and you look like you could use one. Anyways you still sleepy or not?"

"Ugh. Just sit down, don't move, and shut up." Yoongi said. Placing his back against Kiyo's. Kiyo smiled. Knowing he made his first friend.

On the other side Yoongi stared at the ceiling. Wondering why Kiyo wanted to help him.  What is he up to really?

Soon Yoongi was sleeping. He didn't wake up until Kiyo kept shaking his shoulder when Mrs. Choi came by to check up on them, only to smile at the two new friends. Yup two new friends.

"Hey Yoongi, can we call our selves Kigi? Or Yoyo?"

"None. We ain't no couple."

"Ok. Sorry."


Words 814

I thought the ending to this chapter was cute. Hope you like it. Kiyo is another OC of my.

After Jin's First Day of School is posted I will show you guys a pic of how each of the kids friends are. Ok.

So far only Hyna, Minsoo, Kiyo, and Yuna

Memes of Yoongi

Memes of Yoongi

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