Ch 11

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Everyone sat around Taehyung, who was asleep in a coma. Yoongi wasn't doing so good with this.

What happened an hour ago made him and his family realize what's really wrong with their son/brother.

~~An Hour Ago~~

Everyone ran inside the the hospital. Once they did a nurse asked who they were. "We are here for Kim Taehyung!" Yoongi yelled out of breath.

"Follow. He should be waking up soon." Yoongi smiled at the news and followed the nurse to one of the VIP Rooms.

"He's in there." Yoongi walked inside only to see his brother asleep. "Did he wake up yet momma?" Jungkook asked. Lisa shook her head. "Not yet. My poor baby."

Jimin sat next to his twin. Hoping he would make it. "Come on Tae. You can beat this."

Yoongi watched as Taehyung slowly started to move. First his fingers and then his eyes opened. "Taehyung! You're awake!" Hoseok said happily.

Taehyung looked around the room confused. "No, why? Why did you save me? Why did you. I WANTED TO DIE DAMN IT! YOU SHOULD HAVE LET...." Taehyung couldn't finish his sentence when he started to have a seizure. It was terrible.

Yoongi ran out the room and grabbed the attention of a nurse who told a doctor. They started to get to work on him. "Let's take him to surgery." The doctor said. "We can't all the surgery rooms are full, doctor."

Yoongi wasn't paying attention anymore. He was worried about his little brother.

~~That Brings Us To Now~~

Yoongi was still waiting for Taehyung to go into surgery. "Fuck! When are they putting him in there!? Taehyung's gonna fucking die at this rate damn it!"

"Yoongi, I know you're angry but you need to calm down. Anger isn't the answer." Minho tried to reason with him. It worked. Yoongi sat down on the floor since there wasn't anymore chairs.

Jimin stared at his twin. He didn't want to say it but he just had to. "He wanted to die. You guys, he wanted to die."

Lisa looked at her other twin she had. "We know Jimin. We want to find out why Taehyung has been having such negative thoughts but we have to wait until he wakes up.

"Hello, sorry for keeping him waiting but we managed to get a surgery room open." The doctor said. The family gave a sigh of relief.

A nurse unhooked Taehyung from to wall and started to push him into the open surgery room. Once he was gone, Jimin noticed the bracelet he gave Taehyung wasn't on him anymore.

Jimin looked down at his wrist and a tear fell. We promised to never take it off.

"I just called them. They said they went home. So it's all good." Jimin just walked into a conversation, but he knew it was about their dates.

"Ok boys. You guys need to go home. Your mom and I will stay here. If anything happens with Tae we'll tell you. Jin you're in charge. Everyone else. Go home."

Jin nodded his head and started to grab his brothers plus Jonah. "Come on guys. Let's go. It's been a long day."

It was rough yes. No one would've thought that a good day would turn out this badly for the Kim's. This proved that anything can happen.

~~Back Home~~
(Jin dropped by the school so everyone can get their cars)

Once everyone has parked their cars inside their own garage. They started to head inside. That was when they spotted Kiyo on the front porch.

When Yoongi saw him he hugged him instantly and vice versa. "I saw the news, you ok?" Kiyo asked. Yoongi shook his head. No not really.

"I'm fine. Was that all you wanted to ask me?"

"No, sadly. Um. My parents told me we're moving to Africa. I got home and all my things are packed. Turns out they made friends with some really bad people and now I'm in danger to. We leave tomorrow."

Yoongi stared at his boyfriend in shock. "Did you tell them about us!?"

"Of course I did Yoonie. They still think I won't be safe. That I would just put you and your family in danger as well. And what's with happening with Taehyung right now I can't take that chance. I'm sorry."

Yoongi understood what he was trying to say. He just didn't want him to go. "I may be losing my little brother, now I'm losing my first boyfriend too."

Kiyo was crying silent tears. "It wasn't my fault Yoongi. Stop making me feel bad for something that wasn't my fault."

"I know, I'm sorry. Can I help you with anything? Like maybe financial wise?"

"No, a kiss would be nice."

Yoongi smiled. "Ok." He gave Kiyo a kiss on the head.

"No, on the lips. We've already kissed there before so why not again."

Yoongi looked at him like he was crazy. Until he remembered that when he was at prom, to in the moment with his phone, he didn't realize that he kissed him.


Soon their lips touched. It was nice and sweet but soon Yoongi's tongue made their way inside Kiyo's mouth. While his hands started to play with Yoongi's hair.

Once they pulled away. Out of breath. Kiyo smiled at Yoongi. "I blushed because I like you, Yoongi."

Yoongi smiled. "So what. You gay?"

Kiyo looked at Yoongi for a while before answering.

"I shouldn't have told you. I should go, my parents will be mad if I'm not home be curfew."

Kiyo was about to leave when Yoongi stopped him. "Wait hold on. I have something."

Kiyo watched as Yoongi ran inside his house only to come back out with a sign. "You kept it?"

"Well. Yeah. This bad boy right here kept me in a three day relationship. So I think it's pretty lucky."

"Too bad letters are missing. It's still sweet none the less. I don't think it was the sign though. You managed to keep one friendship for nine years. I think it's the boy who is lucky to have me." Yoongi shoved Kiyo at his cockiness.

"You better go. Don't want to be tired during your trip."



That was their last time they saw each other. Yoongi looked at the sign for the first time in three days

Flower are the 2 pre ti   things in the world, can I got o pro  with the fi st?


Words 1072

I know it's sad or something but I hope you like it.

Next will be Hobi and Jimin with their dates.

But first we see how Taehyung got into this mess.

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