Ch 15

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Taehyung stared at his brother. So they were the one who found them. He thought.

"Don't worry about it. They were just sleeping pills. I had trouble sleeping, well I still do. I'm not addicted if that's your next question. I only take them if I can't sleep after a late-night walk. Which rarely happens."

"How rarely?" Yoongi stared his little brother down.

"Like twice a week rarely." Taehyung said timidly.

"TWICE!?" Jimin screamed. "That's like eight pills a month. Not only that but you just grab a pill and go. Do you even know which pill is a sleeping one?"

Taehyung gave a sigh. "No. A friend gave them to me. I'm not sure what kind of sleeping pills they are. All I know is that they work. I took a red one once. Last time I ever took it. I swallowed it and didn't wake up till two days later. I was just happy it was a Friday and nobody really paid attention to me. Other wise I would've been in big trouble."

"You are in trouble. You're lucky I don't tell our parents, sadly I don't want you to be taken from us. I love to much to say goodbye." Yoongi said as he gave Taehyung a hug.

"Thanks. What did you do with the pills anyways?" Jimin stared at Yoongi hoping Tae's reaction would be calm and relaxed.

"I flushed them." Taehyung showed no expressions on his face. He just stared blankly before he yelled.

"Why would you do that!? Not all of those were mine! Now I have to pay for the other half! I know we're rich but they don't take money! I had to give stuff precious to me because they take merch! Stuff worth keeping! Now I have to give a kidney."

Jimin didn't know what to say nor did Yoongi. "Somehow I don't believe you but a part of me does. I threw them out, so I'll pay for it."

"Yes you should. Their address is xxxx, xxxx they're not hard to find." Taehyung said as he got up.

"Hey! I was hoping you'd say no. Like 'no you shouldn't, it not your fault you didn't know. This wouldn't have happened if I wasn't taking the drugs' say that!" Yoongi said in mocking tone. Taehyung stopped walking on his crutches and turned around. Facing Yoongi.

"That." He continued walking. Jimin already call they're parents when things started to escalate.

Their dad was the one who came and got them. Once they got home Yoongi grabbed something that seemed priceless to him. I hope this is good enough. He showed his brother Taehyung and he agreed on the price.

~~Time Skip~~

Yoongi pulled up in his car at the location.

Yoongi pulled up in his car at the location

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Let's do this.

When Yoongi got out of his car he walked straight into the entrance but was stopped by two men.

"Can we help you?" One asked. Yoongi smirked. "Yeah. I'm looking for Seno."

After he said that a man walk up to him. "I'm him. What is it you want?" Yoongi gulped but tried not to show it. "I want to pay the other half of the sleeping pills you gave my brother."

"Why? He already.....wait. Did you say OtHeR half!?"

"Before you get mad. I was the one who threw them out."

"Ok let's see what you got. I don't take cash. Your little brother's loaded. I didn't take his so I won't take yours."

Yoongi nods as he reaches inside his backpack. "Here. You can have this."

"It's priceless and is very dear to me

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"It's priceless and is very dear to me. I'm sure you don't want to hear the back story so I'll keep it to myself." Yoongi said as he handed the gold kitten to the man.

"Is this real gold?" He asked.

Yoongi didn't know what to say. Does he want it to be? Taehyung was the one who told me to say what I said. Wait. If he didn't want cash them he probably doesn't want gold too. Right?

"No. Not that I know of."  Perfect. Now if he checks he won't think I lied to him. So if he wanted real gold them he can check for himself and if he doesn't then he'll go with what I said. Yoongi you're a genius.

After his self praise, Yoongi looked at the man holding his cat. "Good, I don't like money. Shiny stuff is what I like." With that the man was walking away.

"Hey! I don't want my brother messing with this stuff. So I don't want you near him or your friends."

"Ok." Yoongi was shocked at the answer.

"Just a no? What kind of thugs are you people? Losers?" Yoongi asked sort of offended.

"I'm not gonna take that personally but I don't care if I lose a client. There are a lot more punks willing to by my MP3s."


"Mysterious Pill Bottle. The three looks like the start of a B so I just went with the name. Anyways. Bye. Before I tell my men to blow your face off with the AK 47."

Yoongi knew when he's not wanted so with a quick walk back to his car he drove home. Don't worry he checked if anything was taken and nothing was.

Once he got home he told the twins what happened and that Tae was free from drug handlers.

"Now. How else can we help you without getting help?" Jimin asked. Mostly to himself but his two brothers heard him loud and clear.

"I don't......" Before Taehyung could finish, Yoongi's bedroom door flew open with a Jungkook and Namjoon walking in.

"Let's start a band!"

Words: 942

Yeah another post. I feel sick

Bye Flowers

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