Ch 20

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Trigger, lots of cursing, self harm, cursing, bullying, also cursing

(Sorry I've been watching a lot of 'The Ranch' and they curse in every episode, seriously. All they say is fuck, fucking, and shithead [mostly to Colt] it's a Netflix original show)

Anyways to the next part

Taehyung's POV

It was almost lunch. I didn't really want to go. I lied to my brothers about Namjoon, I did hear what was happening and I wanted to help but I couldn't. Those fucking jocks bully me too, just not as bad.

The bell soon rang. I grabbed my science books and left to my locker.

I tried not to care about the stares I was getting. I knew the school found out about my depression because we had to tell the principal. My mom said it was just for precaution. I was all for it but sadly the bitch Yerin was in the damn office at the time.

Yup the fucking Gossip Girl strikes again. I don't know why she hates me, I didn't do anything to her. Maybe I should just skip. No cause then the fucking principal will tell Mom that I didn't eat today.

I stopped trying to think of a way to get out of lunch when I reached my locker. I noticed some paper on it. I walked up to them and read a few.


Finish the fucking job you started!

The cuts should be deeper if you want to die.

No one cared about you before and no one cares now. Just die already!

Nothing is more useless then a person trying to kill themselves but to fucking scared to finish it.

I stopped reading the notes and just opened my locker. Yeah they hurt but I just didn't care. I want out of this not get pushed back in. After finishing putting my books up I grabbed all the notes and walked to the nearest trash bin. When I was about to throw them away I saw more notes.

They were crumbled so I couldn't it read it right. I didn't want to dig through the trash because some students were still in the halls....ah fuck it.

I reached in and pulled one out. I heard someone call me a name but I was too in what's on the paper. I was angry at what it said, I don't care if it was said to me, but no fucking body tells my brother this.

I walked towards the cafeteria and started looking for my brothers. I spotted them at the far corner of the room.

I instantly walked to them, by the time I got there I asked Namjoon if he was being bullied. Of course he said yes it happened this morning. I asked if anything else happened since then and he had the fucking audacity to say no.

"Then what the fuck is this!?" I asked as I slammed the damn note down. He read it and just grew silent. Yoongi later took the note and read it too. I knew he was mad.

"What bastard wrote this?" He asked. I just sat down because nobody was talking to me but to Joon.

"I don't know. I thought I threw those away." He said. God Namjoon just tell the fucking truth.

"You did. I saw them in there." I said.

"What were you doing in the trash?" Damn it. Namjoon is smarter for his own good.

Bangtan Family (On Hold, Request Open)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora