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Dedicated to Kas2004_

Seokjin's POV

Maybe it was the heat but I could have sworn I heard my brothers calling my name.

"Jin Hyung!" Nope it wasn't.

"Namjoon!?" I yelled confused for a bit. "Hyung!" Taehyung?

"Jin! Look! It's your brothers!" Jonah yelled as my brothers make their way towards us. "Guys!" I yelled as my brothers give us a group hug. I never I thought I'd say this, but I missed my brothers' odor.

"I'm so glad you guys are ok. I thought one of you six gotten hurt." I released my breath of fear. "Five." I hear a voice. "No six, Jonah is with me." I stated.

"And Jungkook. He's with you ain't he?" Jimin asked. "He's not hear with us. He's with you." My heart dropped. "Actually Hyung, we thought he was with you two." Yoongi speaks. "Wait, so he's. Jungkook is. I'm gonna." With that everything went blank.

~~Jungkook's POV~~

"Alright, right now we are inside an attic of some sort. No food, heat, or help. Water is rising. Why am I still talking to a cat?" I asked Captain. Meow.

"Do you see anything that we can use to get out of here, Cap?" I asked the cat again. "Why do I still try talking to you!? I'm going crazy." Meow.

"Stop talking I'm trying to think." I look around hoping to find a window or something. Rummaging through the trash I see a phone, not like the one I lost but like it is still connected to the wall phone. "This could work." I say to myself. "What do you think Cap? Do we try it?" I asked him. Meow. "I agree."

Making my way to the phone I check to see if I can hear anything. "Ok, Cap. Moment of truth." I take the phone off it's holder and place it on my ear.


"It works!" I yell to Captain. "Quick, what's America's police number?" I asked Captain. Meow. "Thanks. Man if only I paid attention during English class. What is it? I know our 119 is 119. What do I do? Meow. "What?" I asked Captain. "Why not I just do it backwards?" Calling 911.

"911, what's your emergency?" A voice asked. "Um...I stuck." I tried to say. "Stuck where?" "Um....House?" I questioned myself. "You're stuck inside your house? Is there water inside? Are you in a safe place?" 

I look around and see Captain staring at me inside his cage. "Um...What?" I asked the lady. "Are you safe?" "No. Wa'er is come in." I tried English again. Man, I wish I paid attention to Namjoon-hyung. "Water is spilling in your home?" I nod. Damn it. "Yes." I answered. "Ok, where are you in the house?" "Ah tic."

"You're in the attic?" "Yes." "What language do you speak?" "Eh?" "Language?" Oh, I know this one. "Korean."

"Alright now let's start all over. Where are you at right now sir?" She asked me in Korean. "Wow, your Korean is awesome." I compliment her. "Thank you, is there an emergency?" "Yes, I'm stuck in some building. I'm in the attic, I can feel the water getting higher. It's at my ankles now." I tell her everything that is going on. "Ok sir. What do you see? Do you see anything that can help get you out of there? A window or even a hammer?"

I looked around to find a crowbar. "I've found a crowbar, will that help me?" I asked her. "Yes, do you see a window?"  "There are no windows here. It's completely dark."

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