CH 8 PT 4

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Last chapter 8 I swear.
There will be body shamming in this chapter so trigger warning right here

3rd POV

Ok today is where you apologise, even though you don't know what you did you still have to.

Jimin thought as he walked up to Jana. She had earbuds on when she felt tapping on her shoulders she looked up only to see the last person she wanted to talk to.

"Ugh, what do you want Mochi?" She spat. Jimin winched at the named. Yeah his brother called him that once or twice but she wasn't there during his past so he'll let it slide.

"Ok since you weren't here when I was dieting I'll let the insult pass." Jana's eyes widen. "I just came to apologise."

Jimin stopped talking when a finger was placed on his lips. "The one who should be apologizing is me. I didn't know you had the same past as me." Jimin watched as she took out a picture from her backpack.

When she gave the picture to him he saw a fat girl, it looked just like Jana. "This was me. A fat girl. Back at my old school I was treated poorly. When prom came around a boy asked me to it. I thought he was different. So I said yes. My mom and I went shopping for a new dress, shoes, and a makeover just for my first prom."

"When the day finally arrived I was so excited that I didn't pay attention to the signs. My date and I danced together, talked, and laughed. It was magical. Then the time to announce king and queen arrived. To make it short my date and I won. Only because it was rigged for me to win."

"When I got up stage, to take a picture with him, melted cheese fell on me, later Chilie, meats and soda. When I was able to open my eyes I saw everyone laughing at me. I looked at my date to see him laughing too. I remember what he told me 'This is what you are. A pig. You will live a pig. You will die a pig. You will always be a pig.' after that I just ran out of there."

"My mom and I moved here a few weeks after that. My mother couldn't handle the bullies and sadly neither could I. I started working out and this is what I got. I don't want to be that pig anymore. I still think am though. I feel like I'm still trapped inside that pig body. That was why I was mean to you yesterday, I don't trust pretty boys like you, and I'm sorry."

Jimin looked at her. He didn't like seeing her sad "Hey Jana, you see this picture?" He asked. She nods her head.

With that he rips the picture. Then reaching inside his backpack. He pulled out his wallet and out comes a picture. "You see this boy here? This is me."

(I am not calling Jimin fat. He was a living mochi. A cute fluffy cloud. An adorable calico cat. This is just to help with the fanfiction. So please. Keep the hate comments to yourselves. Thank you.)

Jana looked at the boy in the picture

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Jana looked at the boy in the picture. They looked so different yet so much the same.

Soon that picture followed the same date as her's. Ripped up and then thrown on the ground.

"That isn't us anymore. You are not a pig. We are not those people anymore. The past is the past, this is the future. Let's focus on it. Now your first prom was probably your last. Maybe your second was to be? Will you Jana, go to prom with me? *Gasp* bars!"

Jana laughed at Jimin's silliness. "Jimin, yes. I will love to go to prom with you." Jimin smiled.

Soon after they just sat there holding hands. Out of no where Jana said. "Thank you Jimin. For helping me loving myself."

"No, I just showed you. You did the rest." He replied with a smile.

Jana smiled and stared at the ripped up pictures on the floor. Wondering. Thinking. Maybe my mom's old prom dress will fit me

She knew one day wasn't enough time to look for a dress and get a make over in time to be at the school before she was late.

"Oh and hey don't sweat it. You'll be fine. A nice shirt and jeans will be ok you know?" Jimin tried to reassure her. She just smiled. "I know. But I think that sounds nice. Wearing something nice and comfy sounds great."

Jana leaned her head against Jimin's shoulder again. Wishing to stay in the position sadly the bell rang. Signaling first hour. "Well I have to go, see you later Jimin."

Jimin watched as she left but before she could disappear he ran to her. "Wait Jana! When we drive around. What do you want to ride in?"

Jana thought for a while. "Hmm..well I'll have to say a black SUV. Nice and Simple right?" She asked with a wink. Jimin laughed at her answer but nodded  nonetheless.

They went their separate ways to class. Sad to say, they never got to see each other for the rest of the day not until lunch and after school. But when they did they enjoyed every minute of it.


Words 894

Final chapter 8

I bet you thought Jana was the bad girl huh. Nope it was Yerin and no I have no hate towards GFriend and Monsta X.

Next chapter will be a character ok. Showing you what Jana looks like along with the boys.

See you next chapter.

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