Chapter 33 - Break In

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Austin POV:
It's been three months since we found out Cecily was pregnant. Ces' belly bump is starting to show, which makes my heart melt even more. Romanov is still out there. We have every resource but he's still eluding us. Security it's very tight right now, Cecily is never alone, she is either with me and or guards. I try to stay by her side as much as possible, but I must help the gang.

I walked into our bedroom, after a long day of work, and saw Cecily on the balcony. She was looking at the sunset.

It was beautiful.

I walked up behind her and placed my hands on her stomach and my head in the crook of her neck. "How are my two loves doing?"

She hummed and turned to face me. "They're great....even better that your here now." She leaned into kiss me.

We were walking back into the bedroom when Cecily gasped.

I immediately turned my attention to her. "Are you okay? What's happening? Is it the baby?" I rambled.

"Austin!" She took my hand and placed it on her stomach.

I felt a small thud from inside. I looked at my wife in her beautiful green eyes and asked "Is that what I think it is?"

She nodded and happy tears feel from her face. I smiled so big, I kissed Cecily and then bent down and kissed the belly bump.

"I love you so much." I whispered.

Cecily POV:
I awoke to a thud coming from the hallway. The guards must be play fighting again. They always do it when their incredibly bored. I got out of bed and walked out the bedroom door to ask them to keep it down.

I got outside the door and to my horror, I saw the guards on the floor, unconscious. I gasped and turned to run and get Austin but before I could strong arms pulled me back and a knife was brought up to my throat.

"Scream and you die. Come with me." The man demanded. I was shaking in fear and reluctantly followed, well was dragged. We almost made it down the stairs when I heard Austin's voice.

"Babe? What's wrong you weren't in bed..." he stopped his sentence when he saw me being held against my will.

He immediately grabbed his weapon. "LET HER GO OR ILL SHOOT!"

"Shoot and I slit her throat." The man rebuttaled.

"Did Romero send you?" Austin seethed.

The man holding me laughed. "Bingo. Now here's what's gonna're going to lower your weapon and let me take your wife because I know you won't shoot me."

"Like hell I won't." Austin said cocking the gun.

"You won't. Your wife is being used as a shield. You know, I was sent to kill or kidnap someone you love, maybe it would be easier if..." the man moved the knife down to my baby bump.

No no no please.

"Austin." I yelled shaking. "I trust you." I told him looking in his eyes to give him permission to shoot the intruder.

Austin's eyes blackened and focused. "Tell Ivan hi for me in hell will you." Before anyone could process a gunshot rang out.

And I felt sharp pain in my stomach.

I screamed.

Austin yelled.

It was like slow motion.

First the intruders body hit the floor, bullet lodged in his head, next Austin was rushing down to me. For some reason my legs collapsed underneath me. I was about to hit the floor when Austin caught me.

I could hear him panicking. "No no no! Cecily stay with me!" But nothing was registering. I finally realized why. There was a knife sticking out of my stomach. The room started to have dark spots and I could feel myself getting weaker.

My last thought before the darkness consumed me was : please don't let my baby die.

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