Chapter 2 - School

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Cecily POV:
I woke up excited, today was my first day at a real school. I jumped out of bed, took a shower and got dressed in my uniform. After getting dressed I walked out my door and went across the hall to Liam's room. I knocked on the door and waited until I heard a 'come in.'

I walked in to see Liam putting his shoes on. "Hey" he told me.

"Hey" I sat down next to him on the bed.

"You ready, because if you're not we can tell dad and-" 

I cut him off "Are you kidding? I'm so ready!" He looked at me sad a nodded. "What's wrong, I thought you would be exited.

He looked into my eyes. "I am, it's just, I don't know I'm just nervous I guess." He told me, although I knew it was a lie. I've known him long enough to notice when he's not telling the truth, but I didn't push him.

We walked downstairs to breakfast, our cook Maria was back from her vacation, she prepared us scrambled eggs and bacon. My father and brothers joined us for breakfast. When we were done, Kade, Alex, Liam and I got in Kade's Mercedes and drove off to school.

I was a bit nervous, but excitement was my main emotion. We parked and a lot of students were looking at us, I felt a bit uncomfortable so I moved close to my twin. Alex and Kade walked us to the office to get our schedules.

"Okay twins listen up." Kade instructed as we stopped in front of our lockers, which were all next to each other. "So I know dad told us to give you some space, but we have some rules;" I mentally rolled my eyes for I knew he enjoyed bossing us around. "Stay together, Liam I expect you to uphold this rule." Liam nodded, I was confused by the weird rule, but weird is the definition of my brothers. "You guys have to wait for football tryouts to be over, and before you ask Liam dad said you could try out too, I brought extra gear. And the most important rule for you Ceci, No boys, absolutely no boys, you know what don't even look at a guy." Well that was a stupid rule, but I wasn't going to argue.

"You guys understand?" Alex asked. Liam and I nodded. "Okay, now what's your first class I'll walk you, Kade has to get to bio, which is on the other side of the school."

"English" Liam and I both replied at the same side. There's the good old twin telepathy our brothers always joke about.

"Okay, come on, bells about to ring." Alex walked us to our class and watched us as we sat down next to each other before walking away.

Liam and I were talking about or next classes, turns out we have every single class together, except third period, which is advanced calculus for me and honors math for Liam. We kept talking until the teacher walked in. "Hello class, I'm Mr. Anderson, I will be your teacher for this year. I'm going to take roll, when I call your name say here." He started to take roll and I was looking around the room, trying to remember everyone's names. "....Patricia Knelly..... Aidan Lancaster.....Tate Larose....." he said, which each student saying "here" in between. ".....Damien Mace......Marcella Mariano..."

"Here!" I announced.

".....Marcello Mariano...."

"Here." My brother announced. Girls turned their attention to him, and started flirting. Gross.

Soon enough the teacher was done taking roll and started introducing the lesson plan. In the middle of his speech, another student walked in.

"Mr. Spade I presume." The teacher asked, clearly annoyed he was late to class.

"Austin" the boy replied.

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