Chapter 1 - Just Your Average Family

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Cecily POV:
I was sleeping peacefully until I woke up to the light peeking through my blinds. I didn't remember falling asleep in my bed last night. I thought back to last night, my brothers Luke, Kade, Alex, Liam, and I were watching a movie. I must have fallen asleep on the couch and one of them carried me up to my bed. I know I'm fifteen, but they still treat me like a baby, which has its perks sometimes, like not having to walk up the stairs.

I got out of bed and brushed my hair and put on some lounge clothes, I wasn't going out so there was no point in putting on real clothes. I put on some nike running shorts and a shirt I stole from my twin, Liam and walked out my door.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen to be greeted by my second oldest brother, Lucas. "Morning Cis." He greeted, using my nickname.

"Morning Luky" I responded. I was the only one he let call him Luky. "What's for breakfast?"

"Well what do you want?" He said in a perky way.

"Pancakes?" I told him he nodded. "Try not to burn them this time." I said jokingly. Last time he made pancakes, he got distracted and burnt them and almost started a fire.

"Ha ha very funny" he said sarcastically. I stuck my tongue at him. "Oh okay Miss sassy lets see how you like this!" Before I could process what he said he started tickling me.

"Aghhhhhh! Stop! Stop!" I yelled in between laughs. If there was one thing my brothers did that would be the death of me, it would be tickling. I'm really ticklish and unfortunately my brothers use it against me.

After a while he finished and Xavier came back from his morning gym sesh. He is super fit and really muscular, which makes since considering he works out every day. He walked towards me and said "Morning sis." He left a small kiss on my forehead, before rustling his hand through my hair. I pushed his hand away and stuck my tongue at him as he walked away.

"So what do you want to do today?" Luke asked, as we ate our pancakes.

"I don't know, I was going to read my new book I got." I replied. I bought a new book yesterday called China Rich Girlfriend by Kevin Kwan, and I've been dying to read it.

"God your so boring." My other brother Kade said coming downstairs.

"Am not!" I defended.

"No ya you totally are...." Kade came over and started eating my pancakes.

"Hey! Kadence....." I knew calling him Kadence would stop him but unfortunately I forgot what he does when I call him Kadence.

He immediately started tickling me. I was laughing hysterically begging him to stop. "I'll stop if you say Kade is the best, most handsome, strongest, and most amazing brother ever and my favorite." He told me smirking.

I managed to say "NEVER!" In between my laughs.

"Can you guys stop killing my twin." A voice, which I knew to be my twin brother Liam exclaimed walking down the stairs, next to my other brother Alex.

This distraction stopped the tickle attack for a second. Xavier came back into the kitchen and said "She's never going to say it." Xav laughed as he walked towards the fridge.

"And why is that?" Kade asked.

"Because it's not true." Alex replied. "However if she were to say it to me.....then it would be true."

"Pffff, I'm obviously her favorite. Right?" Kade directed his attention towards me.

"No it's obviously me." Luke added.

"At the moment it's neither of you!" I told them. They both smirked and I knew they were plotting another tickle attack so I ran behind my twin. "Li help!"

"Move, we have some unfinished business with Ceci." Kade told him.

Instead of protecting me, my twin moved out of the way. "Traitor!" I yelled as Luke picked me up and threw him over his shoulder. "Just so you know...Alex is my favorite at the moment."

"Haha knew it!" Alex exclaimed.

Luke put me down. "What? why?"

"Because at the moment he is the only one of you who hasn't annoyed me today." I told him using this as a opportunity to run away.

"Hey get back here!" Kade yelled and ran after me. He was a lot faster than I was so it was no surprise he caught me. He heaved me over his shoulder and started walking to our pool.

Before I could say something, and before we made it out the patio door we heard the main door unlock and someone walk in. "I'm home!" My father exclaimed. We turned to him excitedly.

"Dad! We weren't expecting you home until tomorrow." I told him, still thrown over Kade's shoulder.

He laughed. "Kade can you put your sister down please I want to give her a hug, I heard she passed her permit test!" It was true, three days ago while dad was still on his work trip, I passed my permit test. I had to take it twice because I forgot what a flashing yellow sign meant.

Kade obeyed and he put me down. I ran to my dad, who I haven't seen in weeks and gave him a hug. "I also have some news." My dad spoke. "Liam, Cicely, I have worked out the details for you to go to the same school Kade and Alex go to."

"Hold up! Really!" My dad nodded at my comment. I've been asking to go to a real school for years. Liam and I's whole life we had private tutors that came to the house.

"It's only fair, Principessa. Luke, Xav, Kade, and Alex all had tutors until they got to high school." He told me. I looked over to my twin who looked exited, but not thrilled. I'm guessing because he won't be able to escape lessons and play video games all day. "I'll have Alex take you to the uniform store today, I have another business meeting and Xavier, Lucas, and Kade need to come." He smiled and I went upstairs to change and get ready to go to the store.

(A/N: First Chapter Complete! I really hope you like it and will continue to read my story. If you have any ideas of what you would like to see I love hearing suggestions! As always please excuse my spelling and grammar errors, I am dyslexic and I try to proofread but some errors slip through the cracks. XOXO, Lily)

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