Chapter 27 - Wedding Bells

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3rd Person POV:
It was the time. Three months after Austin woke from his coma, they decided to have the wedding. Originally the plan was to have a large wedding, which would take around a year to plan, but the live between the two made them impatient. They decided on having a small wedding with only close friends and family.

Austin was in the grooms room with his father, totally overthinking, his worries got the best of him when he asked his father if Cecily wanted to back out. To which his father replied "No she doesn't. You need to relax, that woman loves you more than life itself." Finally they walked into the church, waiting for the bride.

Cecily's brideroom was much more hectic. She had around eighteen different people doing her hair, makeup, outfit. On top of that all her brothers were in there crying about her growing up. In the previous days before the wedding, Natalia, Claire, and Xia threw her a bridesmaids party, which Autumn was allowed to come for a bit before the party got a little to inappropriate for a child. Austin also got a Grooms party, hosted by Cecilys brothers who took him out on their yacht and threatened to push him over board if he ever hurt Cecily, although each brother knew he would never.

Within minutes of the reception starting, Cecily was ready to walk the isle. Her brothers escorted their dates down the isle as the bridesmaids and groomsmen, with Aidan walking Liam down the isle as well, Aidan being Austin's best man and Liam being Cecily's "man of honor" as she called it.

Soon enough the band was signaled to play here comes the bride. All guests arose and the double doors of the church opened, to reveal Cecily looking like a goddess and her father at her side walking her down the isle.

Everyone was staring but the only thing the two Fiancé's could look at was each other in awe.

Cecily POV:
"And do you Marcella Cecily Mariano take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest said, interrupting me from my thoughts. I was lost looking into Austin's gorgeous eyes.

As if it was muscle memory I replied "I do."

"And do you Austin James Spade, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

He's smile grew. "I do."

God those two words are everything to me.

"Now if any have reason to reject this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace." Austin and I looked into the crowd and saw Kade stand up cock his weapon.

He turned to the priest and said. "No father, no objections." He put the safety back on the gun and sat down, causing the wedding goers to laugh, as did Austin and I.

"And now, by the power vested in me by the lord, I know pronounce you husband and my kiss the bride."

Without wasting any time Austin and I crashed our lips together. It was the happiest moment I've ever felt. Marrying my true love.

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