Chapter 47 - Escape

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Anastasia POV:
It's been four hours since I pressed the button. So many thoughts were going through my mind: what if they don't come? What if I'm stuck here? What if Romanov finds out I opened the safe?

Nervously I looked out my window to see black figures roaming through the trees, guns drawn. Holy crap there are thousands of them. Soon enough I heard gunshots coming from the front gate. I quickly hid under my bed, as I was trained to, knowing Romanov was going to come up and get me.


I ran out from under the bed, "here." I pretended to act frightened.

"Let's go, you need to get to the safe room." I nodded following his lead to the secret safe room. "Don't leave. I'll come collect you when I deal with the threat." He said leaving. I need to find the leader to take them to Xander and his family. I used a secret passage way to get back to the basement, since the safe room was be bellow it. I ran to the west wing first to get Xander and Ava. "Xander!" I said unlocking his cell. Your family is here to rescue you we need to go!" I said directing them to the east wing to see their parents.

Xander POV:
I followed Anastasia to where my parents were being held, I was very bruised but my daily beating hadn't happened yet. We secretly made it to another cell where when the door opened I saw my dad with a black eye and my mom with a busted lip. "MOM! DAD!" They quickly turned their heads towards me and stood up.

"XANDER! AVANGALINE!" My mom yelled. As soon as Anastasia unlocked their cell doors they ran to me and Ava.

"ARE YOU OKAY? GOD WE WERE SO WORRIED! IM SO SORRY! WE NEVER WISHED FOR YOU TO GET INVOLVED!" They kept saying as tears fell down all of our cheeks.

"I hate to interrupt this family moment but your family has arrived and they are fighting upstairs we need to go." Anastasia announced.

My mom walked over to her and grabbed her hands. "Thank you Anastasia, I promise we aren't leaving without you okay?" Anastasia nodded and started leading the way.

"We need to get to the secret passage way."

"What about a arsenal? We need weapons." My father asked.

"Don't worry, the passageways are filled with weapons." She pulled a torch from the wall, resulting in a wall opening up. "In here. Hurry before they realize your gone from the cells." We all ran inside, the walls were lined with guns, knives, grenades, everything.

My parents started grabbing weapons off the wall like it was nothing. Anastasia grabbed a few two. I reached for one but my mom stopped me.

"I don't think so mister, but a 9mm good choice."

"What why?"

"Because you're a teenager and what kind of a mother would I be if I let you have one?" My mom spoke.

"But Anastasia has one!" I whined sounding like a child although the very dangerous situation at hand.

"To be fair my father is a terrible parent and my mother is dead." She said in her Russian accent. "We're ending the tunnel, this should take us to the entry hall. I'm sorry we don't have a safer one, but let's just hope your family is in the lobby when we get there." Anastasia looked through the peephole. "I don't recognize them, they must be your men."

My father walked up and checked the peep hole. "It's Luke and Alex."

Ana pulled a lever and the door opened. Uncle Luke and Uncle Alex immediately pointed their guns in our direction.

"Stand down it's us." My mom announced.

"Cecily oh my god." They ran and hugged her then me and Ava.

Just then all my uncles ran in and gave us hugs.

The second Luke saw Anastasia he raised his gun.  "Woah, don't she's on our side."

"You sure?" Uncle Luke asked.

"Yes, she was the one that got us out of the cells and called you." Dad answered.

"So that's how that happened." A deep voice said from behind me. I turned and saw him pointing a gun at my little sisters head. "I was wondering how you got out."

As soon as we saw what happened everyone's guns were raised at Romanov.

"Let her go." My mom demanded.

"Not a chance, lower your weapons." No one did. "Lower your weapons or I shoot!" He said cocking the gun.

We all lowered our weapons. I was paralyzed, my sister was being held at gunpoint.

"Put your weapons on the floor!" he demanded. "And get on your knees!"

We all obeyed accept for Anastasia. "Anastasia get down!" I told her.

"Get on your knees!" Romanov yelled pointing the gun towards her.

"Ana get down he's gonna shoot you!" I yelled panicking.

"No he wont." She said walking towards while cocking a gun at him. "Let her go. I know you won't shoot me."

"Are you sure about that Anastasia."

"Ya I'm pretty sure, dad."

I froze. She just called him dad. Everyone was shocked, including Romanov.

"How did you—" Romanov stuttered.

"You think I'm stupid, father. I've known for years. Every code in this house, 06-24-04, my birthday, me getting a room instead of a cell, plus if you wanted to kill me you would have done it years ago."

"You know nothing—"

"I know everything. You despise me because I was the reason mom died, I was tortured every day for 16 years, you take your anger out on me because I remind you of her well news flash I didn't kill mom. You did. The second she didn't give you the male heir you wanted—you shot her. It's all on you." Anastasia yelled, tears streaming down her face, then she pulled the trigger.

"иди к черту мать ублюдок" she said before falling to her knees. My sister ran from Romanovs dead body, to my parents and I ran to Anastasia.

"Ana are you okay? Hey look at me!" She threw her arms around me and sobbed into my shoulder. "I killed him."

"Shhhh I know I know." I said rubbing her back trying to calm her.

"The men have surrendered, let's go home." Uncle Xavier said.

"Come on Ana, let's go home." I said as I picked her bridal style and headed to the car." 

The Mafia's PrincessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora