Chapter 23 - 3 Years Later

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(A/N: I have felt uninspired once again, all of my ideas for mafia brothers stories I wrote in my other book Family Secrets, but I've been wanting to write a book focusing on a mafia relationship for a while so that's what I'm going to do. Sorry if you came here for brothers, but I hope you'll stick around for the love story. The brothers are still in the story but it won't focus on them. If you want I can write flashbacks to them in high school if you still want the brother sister story.)

Three Years Later

Cecily POV:
It was currently the end senior year. A lot has happened with my family since then, however we successfully took down Ivan. About a year after Aidan's father was killed we captured him. Everyone got their chance for revenge on him. However, we only managed to capture Ivan. There are rumors that another man, one of Ivan's soldiers previous to his capture, fought for control of the mafia and now leads it, however he hasn't made any move to attack us. He only has been stealing and intercepting petty shipments from our mafia business, but no one knows this mans name or face. Which reminds me! I'm officially apart of the mafia now, Liam and I were sworn in when we turned sixteen. My father doesn't let me do anything tho, I practically begged him to let me join, so I get what I can take.

As for my family, Xavier got married! Who would of thought that stubborn pain in my butt would find love. He married a woman named Natalia, that he met at a gym, and moved out after the wedding. It was so romantic, Natalia was working out when this guy was harassing her about her butt, Xav was going over to tell the guy off but before he could, Natalia punched the guy in the face and from then on Xav and her hit it off. They got married two years ago, and had a baby boy one year ago. Aunt life is hard I tell you, I practically had to fight off most of my brothers to hold Jaxton, as they named him. She's also 3 months pregnant again, but they haven't told us the gender.

Luke's married too, he met this barista named Claire, who's literally the sweetest person ever, and accidentally got her pregnant. Yaaaa dad wasn't too happy about that, but it ended up for the best because they eventually fell in love and got married. They had twin baby girls, Leah and Kenzie who are a year old now, which I'm thankful about. This family has too many boys anyway. When they had the baby, Luke did something completely unexpected and took himself out of the line of succession for inheriting the mafia. He said he couldn't let himself die and leave his wife and daughters alone. Sweet, I know. He's the CEO of one of our legal businesses, but he said if there was ever a threat or our family was in danger he would be back to help.

Kade's in college, in a long term relationship he's had for two years with someone from our school names Xia. She was one of the first people Kade dated who wasn't just there to get layed. They actually hated each other at first, it was pretty funny. Xia was assigned to tutor Kade in calculus, which they both hated. Xia and Kade were your stereotypical love story of the popular boy and the nerd falling in love. She ended up helping me with a lot of my homework too, so I got to know her pretty well. After high school they ended up going to the same college and the both live in one of dad's penthouses in the city. Don't tell anyone I said this, but I heard Kade talking about engagement rings, which can only mean one thing.

Alex is in his last year of college, he lives in a bachelor pad, in New York City, since he went to school out of state, but he never seems to fail to show up for a family function, he's always here when there is a pregnancy announcement or birthday. I kept trying to set him up with one of the trainers my father hired to train me in self defense and self offense, but he won't budge. However, the way he looks at her says different. He's just being stubborn, but I'll get them together eventually.

I'm guessing you're wondering about me, well I'm eighteen now, that's right. Your girl is a adult, even though if I ever describe myself as that in the presence of my brothers or father they will argue the contrary. They still think I'm a baby. Austin and I are still together. What can I say? Love at first sight. We've been through enough together to bond us for life.

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