Chapter 31 - The News

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Cecily POV:
I woke up and looked at my clock.


I felt like shit. I felt like I was gonna puke. I ran up from the bed and into the bathroom and threw up in the toilet. This must have woke Austin, since next thing I know Austin was holding my hair back and out of my face. "Baby are you okay?"

"I'm doing great." I said sarcastically before throwing up once again.

I spent another hour throwing up, and feeling horrible. Austin was freaking out. "I called the doctor, he'll be here soon." Austin said coming back into the room, since he went to the kitchen to make me some soup.

"Austin I'm fine." I told him. Truly I was, I felt better now.

"Cecily just a hour ago you were puking your guts out. Plus seeing the doctor won't hurt."

Soon enough the doctor was here and running a few tests on me. Austin was freaking out, although I was constantly telling him I feel fine. Around 20 minutes into the tests the doctor had his answer. "Well that would explain it."

"Explain what? Is she fine? Is she okay?" Austin said frantically.

"Oh she's fine."

"Thank god." Austin sighed.

"Then what's wrong with me?"

"Well uh, nothings wrong with you..." the doctor paused and Austin walked over to hold my hand. "You're pregnant."

I was in shock. I knew I had fun on my honeymoon but I didn't know we had that much fun. Before I could get a word out I heard a thud next to me. I snapped my head over and saw Austin laying on the floor.

He passed out.

Austin POV:
I came to, to see Cecily and the doctor looking at me on the floor.

"I'm pregnant!" Ceci exclaimed.

"Yes Mrs. Spade is appears so." The doctor responded. "My guess from your symptoms is about five weeks."

"Holy crap." I mumbled. "Thank you doctor for coming on such short notice."

"Of course, and congratulations." He said while being escorted out by one of the guards.

I looked over at Cecily and she looked lost in her thoughts. "Hey, are you okay?"

He snapped her head towards me and replied "ya I'm fine."

I could tell she was lying. "No you're it, what's wrong?" I sat down beside her on the bed and grabbed her hand.

"It's just we didn't plan on having kids so soon." Tears started forming in her eyes.

"Hey hey hey don't cry. Please don't cry." I wiped some tears off her cheeks. "Do you not want the baby? I mean I do, but if not it's your choice—"

Before I could finish I cut her off. "No no no, I want the baby." I smiled. "I just wasn't sure if you did."

"Of course I want it." I smiled back at her and pulled her in my lap. I put my hands on her stomach and rubbed her belly. "I already love him or her." She smiled back at me and we kissed.

I was so lost in my happiness, I almost forgot. My smile faded.  "Ceci, you know what this means right?" She turned to look at me.

"Romanov." I nodded. More tears began to form. "No no no, if he finds out about the baby he'll-he'll try to hurt it."

"I won't let that happen." I looked at her straight in the eyes. "I promise with every bone in my body, I will protect our child and you, even if it costs me my life....I'll hire more guards. I don't want you to ever been without either me or the men. I can't loose you or the baby." I held her in a tight hug, rubbing her back.

We sat in silence for a little longer before I spoke again. "What are we gonna tell your family?"

"I say we get them all together, I can get Alex to be here by the morning."

"Okay, I'll call to get more men in the house, and I'll hire a team to be with you at all times."

She nodded and told me "I'm going to take a nap. It's been a long morning."

"Okay. I'll be back in about an hour, I just need to make some calls about increasing security.

Cecily POV:
I awoke to the feeling of someone picking me up and setting them in their lap. I knew it was Austin by his touch so I didn't open my eyes, and I tried to fall back to sleep; I was about to when I felt hands touch my stomach and heard the soft whisper of my husband.

"Hi baby! It's me, your dad. I know you can't here us or even know your alive, but I already love you with all my heart. Your momma and I are so excited to meet you....we love you so much nugget. I don't know if your a boy or a girl, but it doesn't matter. I love you no matter what." He paused his speech for a second, but I was already almost in tears at his words. "I'm so sorry, but the world your mother and I are apart of is dangerous. But I promise you, I'm going to protect you and your mom. I swear on my life I'm going to protect you from the world. I love you. I love you so much."

I then felt a soft kiss on my stomach. "That was really beautiful." I whispered.

"You're awake?" I nodded. "How much of that did you hear?"

"All of it." I opened my eyes and looked into his. "You're going to be the best father."

He smiled. "I really hope so."

"I know so." I yawned. He moved me off his lap, so both of us could lay down. We cuddled into each other and whispered before both of us fell asleep.

"Goodnight Momma"

"Goodnight daddy"

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