Chapter 43 - Cells

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3rd Person POV:
The guards dragged the family in different directions. Screams for both parents and children were heard, begging not to be separated.

Cecily and Austin were dragged to cells next to each other, but not locked in the same one. They were separated by metal bars, both frantically trying to escape and get to their children.

Xander and Ava were taken to a cell on the opposite side of the mansions basement, the two children were thrown in the same cell. Avangaline was sobbing, and Xander had tears in his eyes while holding his sister tight.

Austin POV:
"Cec—cec—stop there's no use" I told my wife as we were trapped in the cells.

"Austin our kids are out there we have to try!" She screamed at me. It was so painful, knowing our children were being held somewhere else possibly being tortured, and us not being able to do anything.

Soon enough Cecily broke down, giving up on trying to escape. She came close to the divider in between our cells and sobbed "Austin—we failed. What if he kills them!"

I reached my hands through the bars trying to sooth her although I was equally as terrified. "Your brothers know where we are, soon enough they will realize something is wrong." Part of me was even more terrified as this cell is extremely similar to the one I was held in as a teenager, I can already feel the PTSD coming back to me. My only hope is that my children will not be tortured as I was.

Xander POV:
Ava and I were hunched on the ground, her in my lap, sobbing. I was trying to calm her with sweet words but I am so terrified I can't think of any.

Soon enough her sobbing wore her out and she fell asleep, I started thinking about what the man who took us said. We're my parents really part of the mafia? So many thoughts flooded my head until I heard the lock on the cell unlock.

The door opened to reveal a terrifying looking man holding a plate. "Eat." He demanded dropping the metal plate on the ground, then leaving.

The metal clashing awoke Ava with fear. "Hey hey hey, it's ok they were just bringing us food." She looked at me when her stomach growled. "Come on, eat." The food was a simple piece of bread on a dirty plate. Not ideal, but we can't starve.  I let her have all the bread despite her telling me I needed to eat too.

It's been I don't even know how long. Ava and I have looked for ways out but eventually gave up, I'm assuming it's around 9pm, Ava looked so scared like she didn't want to close her eyes.

At one point she started shivering. "Hey Ava come hear." She scooted towards me as I took off my jacket. No wonder she's shivering it's so cold in the cell. I put the jacket around her then sat her in my lap and held her close, soon enough both of us fell asleep.

I woke up to bars of the cell and Ava in my arms.

I really wish I dreamed it. Ava was waking up too when the cell unlocked. This time there was a different man, but he didn't have a plate. There were also other men behind him, one I recognized, he was the one from earlier—Romanov I think.

The man who unlocked the cell stepped aside to let Romanov in. I grabbed Ava and pushed her behind me. "W-what do you want with us?" I whimpered which caused Romanov to laugh.

"Nothing you have to worry about, I'm just here to borrow something from you." He motioned to his guards to enter. They started cornering me and Ava. The larger one grabbed me.

"HEY STOP GET AWAY FROM HER!" I yelled at the man who grabbed Ava's wrist. He just smirked at me as Ava sobbed. Without thinking I stomped on the man who was holding me's foot. As he let go I tried to run to Ava but I was hit in the shins with a baton. I fell but when I tried to get back up, I felt a electrical shock to my neck.

They tased me.

Black dots surrounded my vision and the last thing I saw was Romanov going towards my little sister.

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