36 - Love/hater555

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Hi I'm in need of advice. Well, there's this boy that either hates me, or he likes me. I do know for sure that it's nothing in the middle. I realy like him, but at the same time I hate him, becasue sometime he treats my like crap.




Dear Love/hater555,

Well you've obviously got a love/hate relationship with this boy already. I think you should confront him and ask him straight up when he's in one of his ''good phases'' and find out. If he says he likes you, see where it goes from there. If he doesn't then I'd say it wouldn't take long to get over him. And ask yourself whether you would want to be in a love/hate relationship. It may sound like a laugh to some people but it's really not, especially if he goes and treats you like crap.

Hope things work out,

MissAuthor2B xoxo

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