7 - WritersBlock236

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Dear MissAuthor2B

I have writers block, not sure what to write about. How can I think of a storyline?



Dear WritersBlock236

Okay so what I do when I have writers block and dont know what to write about is listen to a song. Some lyrics tell a story. How about you choose a song and write a story based on the "plot" of the song? Its actually quite easy and fun. I like to listen to the song I'm writing about when I do that : ) Usually it's just short stories but it's a start.

If not, write about something that has happened to you in the past or to one of your friends. Or write a story of what you want to happen in the future. To be honest, the possibilities are endless, that's what I love and hate about writing at the same time =P too much to choose from.

Hope that helps xx

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