5 - BezziePrezzie

430 8 2

I have no idea what to get my best friend for her birthday! She's turning 15 next week. She hates Twilight and Justin Bieber so I can't get her anything like that. She's a tomboy like you said you were and doesn't wear any make up or anything girly. I'm the girly one out of us.

Please give me some options. Pleaseeeeeeeee =D

BezziePrezzie xx


Dear BezziePrezzie

How about getting her a CD of her favourite band? If she's got a console at home you could get her a game. If she likes reading you could get her a book. Could get her a CHERUB book ; p (I love that series lol) You could get her a hoodie =D

Whatever you get her, I'm sure she'll love it = )

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