Chapter seven

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Previously:Chase POV:Love is in the air this night

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Chase POV:
Love is in the air this night.

Back to present
"Chase?" - Skye whispered softly after we pulled back. ( :0 )
"Yeah Skye?" - I smiled as much as I could.
"I love you so much." - She buried her head in my fur.
"I know it Skye. Anyways, you won. We can kiss again if you want." - We hugged tightly.
"Hehe! Thanks!" - Cockapoo looked at me while giggling. But she didn't do it for long because our lips met again. (Nice) I closed my eyes and let the moment flow. But then I felt her paws on my cheeks. It was like a signal to me. I french kissed her and deepened it. (Ok) As she started moaning quietly, I started nibbling her tounge, which made her do it quite louder. ( OoO ) Nothing else mattered in this moment, only us. It could last forever for me.

Skye POV:
I want this to never end. I really enjoy that time. It's like a trance you can't break out from. But, unfortunately we had too, due to lack of air.
"You kiss really great Chasey." - I murmured after we broke it for a moment.
"And you're even better." - We both locked on each other again, but this time it was more passionate. I felt so comfortable.

Chase POV: (Again)
I felt her lips loosening up a bit. When I opened my eyes, I saw she feel asleep. It's really late. I'll get some rest too now. Sudden of all, my eyelids got really heavy. The last thing I did that night was pulling Skye close to my chest and whispering:
"Good night my princess."

Time skip to morning
I woke up almost instantly after alarm clock rang. It was 7 A.M. and time to start a new beautiful day! Skye's fur is very soft. I could hug her all day and night.
"Hehe, that tickles Chase!" - She opened her magenta eyes, as I rubbed her belly a little.
"Good morning mi amor. How was your sleep?" - I asked her.
"Couldn't be better, because you were with me." - She smiled
"I'm glad to hear that. We should get something to eat now." - I gave an idea.
"Sure. But I want to cuddle with you first." - She put her paws around my back.
"And you know I want to do so too." - I tightened my hug and kissed her forehead.
"And later we'll talk to Ryder." - I said to her.

Author's note: Hello

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Author's note: Hello. If anyone's still here, thank you. It really helps me if you show it. Anyways, dedication goes to Mikuleee, he's really kind guy, so you can say something nice to him in the comments. Stay safe everyone.

Only you and me, only us mi chica favoritaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin