Chapter twelve

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Previously:Ryder POV:Maybe Chase'd help me and give some ideas

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Ryder POV:
Maybe Chase'd help me and give some ideas.

Back to present
Chase POV:
"Chasey?" - She loosened the hug a little bit so she can move her face closer to mine. (Wow)
"Yeah?" - I smiled as our muzzles were an inch apart.
"Can I taste your lips again?" - Cockapoo giggled quietly and closed her eyes while waiting for response.
"Only if I'll can do the same with yours too." - I whispered back and kissed her passionately. Unlikely to us, this time it was short. (Hmmm)
"It's good for now. Let's eat now." - Skye got off me and we both walked out from my puphouse.

Twenty minutes later
No one's POV:
"So, you're telling me that you're getting our whole group a vacation again?" - Ryder couldn't believe the words that came out from Shepherd's mouth. (Same)
"Yeah. But this time, I'm going with you. I already established everything with other local help sources. Don't worry about anything. I also booked plane tickets and rented a house." - He explained while holding his girlfriend's paw.
"That's so amazing of you!" - She kissed his cheek.
"Yeah, thank you really much. I guess we can relax too, especially you Chase. You didn't have vacation for a long period of time." - His owner petted his head.

Chase POV:
I feel I'm finally living again! It feels so good!
"We're leaving in 2 days." - I added quickly and went downstairs to watch some TV in my puphouse.
"Can I-" - Skye started but I cut her off.
"You don't have to ask. Of course you can come with me." - I laid down so she can jump on my back. After she did, I lead her to the place.

Five minutes later
"So, what will we watch?" - She looked at me as she laid down. (I know what)
"Do you remember our old videos from vacations and not only?" - I asked while preparing the storage.
"Yeah, but I think we lost them." - She said suspiciously.
"Well, I found them and downloaded on this bad boy." - I showed her the pendrive.
"Really? That's awesome!" - She jumped on me and attacked me with licks.
"I'm glad you like it. Anyways, loading them will take a while." - I informated after we jumped back on the bed.
"What will we do now?" - She chuckled afterwards.
"I had two ideas. Either we talk, or we'll cuddle. Which one do you prefer?" - I got straight to it.
"Maybe second one." - We hugged like never before.

" - We hugged like never before

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Author's note: Hello again. No announcements for now. Dedication goes to TheVette09, I hope you'll come back one day, because you did amazing job and you're a good friend. Stay safe everyone.

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