27. End

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The three teen's walked through the common area heading straight to the kitchen. The entirety of class 2-A gawking as they passed. Most of the students didn't care and went back to what they had been doing before the three had walked through. In the kitchen, Todoroki pushed himself up onto the counter, moving back far enough that Bakugo could plop Midoriya down in front of him. Todoroki's arms instantly went around the smaller boy's waist, and he rested his chin on the green hair boy's shoulder. Midoriya pressed himself as close as possible into the duel haired boy, pressing his head to the other boy's shoulder. Midoriya had been slightly touch starved over the past month and really needed the cuddles. Bakugo busied himself gathering supplies and ingredients to make his boy's food. The three were so caught up in their own little world they didn't notice the growing group of people behind them, who just watched in silence.

"Baby, you want blueberry or chocolate chips?" Bakugo asked over his shoulder. Midoriya knew he was asking him, "Chocolate chips please," came his reply. "Sounds good babe," Todoroki stated. That's when the collective gasp from the group of watchers got their attention. Midoriya's face heated up, becoming red as a tomato, as he turned to look behind him and Todoroki. Standing behind them was, Iida, Uraraka, Tsu, Tokoyami, Momo, Jiro, Mina, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima. It was basically each of the boy's small friend groups all combined into one with a few added. Midoriya sent them a smile and a small wave. "Hi guy's, what's going on?" Midoriya asked. The group came rushing forward crowding around the two boy's sitting on the counter. "So you said you'd explain?" Uraraka asked. "Can I eat first?" Midoriya asked, that right there was a weight lifted off Uraraka's shoulders, whatever had happened between the three boys it had Midoriya eating on his own so that was enough for her. "Yeah," Uraraka stated. The group including Todoroki, and Midoriya made their way over to a table. Soon after Bakugo joined them with three plates of chocolate chip pancakes, covered with whipped cream. The three boys ate, and while they did they explained about what had happened with them leaving out things, and answering some questions.

With that life went on and of all the couples who got together at UA that year the only one that lasted was Bakugo, Todoroki, And Midoriya

The End

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