20. Consequences

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Midoriya was rushed to the infirmary by his friends and classmates. Hours pass then Recovery girl exits the room Midoriya was taken too. "Midoriya is going to be ok, but he needs rest so you all should just go back to your dorms." Recovery girl states. The class shuffles around before heading back to the dorms, "You two, come with me." Recovery girl states pointing and glaring at Bakugo, and Todoroki. Recovery girl takes the other two injured boys into the room and tends to them, once she is finished she tells them to go back to the dorms, but they refuse. Todoroki looks over at Bakugo, "I...er we want to stay with Midoriya, this was our fault after all." Todoroki whispers. Bakugo just grunts in agreement, "fine, but do not wake him up." Recovery girl states before walking into her office that is connected to the infirmary.

Around three in the morning Midoriya's eye's slowly flutter open. It took him a moment to remember what had happened and where he was. His body ached but it wasn't too bad. Midoriya was blinking around the dimly lit room when he looked down and noticed the two sleeping boy's. They both had their heads down on Midoriya bed, each clutching loosely to one of his hands. Midoriya smiled down at them, then he sat himself up. He pulled his hands away gently to not wake them, then ran them through each boy's soft hair. His mind raced, as he thought about everything that's happened between himself and the two sleeping teens with him. After about an hour Midoriya had made his decision, it was breaking his heart but it's what had to be done. He ran a thumb over each boy's cheek to wake them. Once awake both boys reach to hug Midoriya but he stops them with a shaking hand on each of their chest. Both Todoroki and Bakugo look at him with confusion, and worry. "I...I have some things I need to say, and I really just need the two of you to listen please." Midoriya says. Todoroki and Bakugo, look at each other then back to Midoriya before nodding.

"First off, I'm sorry for all the hurt and pain I've caused you both." Midoriya states, looking down at his hands. Todoroki and Bakugo open their mouths to object but are stopped when Midoriya looks back up, tears falling down his cheeks. Both of the boys reach a hand up cuping Midoriy's check on either side wiping the tears away with their thumbs. Midoriya presses his hands to the other boy's, before kissing each of their palms and removing them. Midoriya takes a deep breath and swallows before continuing.

M: "I know about everything the two of you have been trying to hide from me. The arguing, and fighting."

T: "Izuku we didn't...."

B: "figures."

M: Cuts them off. "I can't have the two of you fighting because of me. I love you both too much."

Todoroki and Bakugo look at each other. Bakugo smirking, and Todoroki glaring back.

M: "Yes Kacchan, I love you, I always have and I probably always will."

Todoroki stiffens at Midoriy's words

M: "I love Shoto too, just as much."

Bakugo Growls.

T and B: "I love you to Deku/Izuku."

Tears again begin to flood Midoriya's eyes.

M: "I can't have you two fighting and hurting each other, so I've decided to remove to cause."

Both teens look at Midoriya with confusion and not understanding. Midoriya leans over, pressing his lips to Bakugo's and then does the same to Todoroki. Neither kiss lasts more than a few seconds.

M: "Me, I'm the cause."

Loud sobs begin to emanate from Midoriya. Bakugo and Todoroki's hearts stop, they begin to argue but again are stopped by Midoriy's words.

M: "I love you both too much to choose between you, I cant have both and I can't have you fighting over me so from this point on I'll do my best to make it like I don't exist for either of you."

Midoriya's sobs have caught the attention of Recovery girl and she rushes into the room. "All right, I think it's time the two of you leave." Recovery girl states dragging Bakugo, and Todoroki from the room.

Midoriya, sobs louder his heart is breaking, he lays down burying his face in a pillow until he cries himself to sleep.

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