19. Fight

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Bakugo and Todoroki glared at each other as they walked from the dorm building. As soon as they were out the door the fighting started. Todoroki through a right hook at Bakugo his hand a ball of ice, "STAY AWAY FROM IZUKU!" Todorki yelled. Bakugo saw it comeing an dodged, using his explosin to back away, "FUCK YOU ICY-HOT!" Bakugo replied. The rest of the class followed out the door, whispers running through the crowd. Iida and Uraraka heard what Todoroki had yelled and knew why the two boys had started this fight. Iida and Uraraka looked around glad that they didn't see Midoriya anywhere, Kirishima was also not in the crowd. The fighting continued.

Back in the bathroom Midoriya's decision was made, he had to tell Todoroki what happened and how he felt. It was the only thing he could do Midoriya loved them both and couldn't allow them to keep fighting because of him. He exited the bathroom and came face to face with Kirishima who was blocking the way. "That was a really sexy dance you and Bakubro did back there Midoriya." Kirishima said. Midoriya blushed "Th...Thanks Kirishima." Midoriya stuttered. "Where did you learn to do that?" Kirishima asked, but before Midoriya could reply Iida and Uraraka came running around the corner. "Bakugo and Todoroki are outside fighting." Uraraka stated, Midoriya looked at them fear filling his eyes. He shoved past the three people in front of him racing toward the door, The other three followed behind Midoriya.

Outside, the fighting between Bakugo and Todoroki had been ongoing for about fifteen minutes. The left leg of Bakugo's pants was torn, and blood leaked down his calf, his face and arms were covered with cuts, and already forming bruises. On the other side Todoroki was also covered in burn marks, cut's, and bruises, blood leaked from a gash in his right shoulder. Both boys were panting with exhaustion, Bakugo jumped into the air coming down on top of Todoroki. Todoroki raised his right arm, sending a wall of ice at bakugo. Neither of them noticed the green eyed boy running across the pavement in their direction until it was too late. Midoriya had gotten in between the two fighting teens just as they had attacked. Midoriya took Bakugo's explosive blast on his left side, the percussive blast propelled him into the ice Todoroki had released, he blacked out instantly collapsing to the ground. "DEKU / IZUKU / MIDORIYA!" was heard through the entire school as the entire class screamed out rushing forward toward the now unconscious boy.

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