12. Passing time

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Over the next week Bakugo Ignored Deku, pretending that the green haired boy didn't exist. He avoided everyone actually, even his friends.

Midoriya still had fits of sadness and cried a lot but his friends were always there to comfort him, especially Todoroki. The two boys had gotten quite close over the past week. By the next Friday the pain in Midoriya's heart had dulled enough that he could actually smile again, and it had been two whole days since he last cried. After school that Friday Todoroki and Midoriya walk back to the dorm's together slowly. "Midoriya I have a secret I need to tell you, I hope that it doesn't ruin our friendship, but I can't hide It any longer," Todorki blurts out. "Nothing you say could ruin our friendship Todoroki, you're my best friend." Midoriya says, smiling over at his friend. "Should we go to my room or yours?" Midoriya asks. "Mine please." Todoroki replays. The two boy's walk in the dorm, right past their other two friends heading to Todoroki's room.

Uraraka gets excited jumping up and down in her seat as she watches Todoroki and Midoriya walk past them. "What has got you so excited Uraraka," Iida asks. "Todoroki is finally gonna tell Midoriya he likes him,'' Uraraka says. "Oh I see," Iida says. "I hope this goes well," reply's Uraraka

Over in Todoroki's room, Midoriya stands silently watching as Todoroki paces. All of the sudden in one quick movement Todoroki stops, turns, and plants his lips to Midoriya's. The kiss is short but sweet. "I...I'm sorry, I know it's only been a week since..." Todoroki trails off. "I just... I couldn't hold it in anymore, I like you Midoriya," Todoroki sputters out. "I'm sorry if this is too soon, I just needed you to know how I felt," Todoroki says. He waits for a reply from Midoriya.

Midoriya was taken by surprise by the kiss, he listens quietly as Todoroki speaks. Midoriya brings his hand to his lips, running one finger over them. "I like you to Todoroki, I've liked you since we first met, but never thought you would like me that way." Midoriya says. Midoriya steps into Todoroki's arms. The two boys embrace each other. "I'm gonna need to take this slow though Todoroki," Midoriya says. "I'm not completely over Kac... er what happened." Midoriya says. Todoroki moves Midoriya so he can look into those beautiful green eyes. "I know, and I'm OK with whatever you need, I'm just so glad you like me too,'' Todoroki says. Midoriya steps back into Todorki's arms. "I don't want anyone but our friends to know just yet if that's OK?" Midoriya asks. "I told you whatever you need,'' Todoroki replies. Todoroki closes his eyes, tipping his head down pressing his lips to Midoriya's once again.

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