17. Dancing

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Midoriya is now standing with Todorki and all his friends buy the sound system, he tells Jiro who is running the music to play something fast with a good beat so they can get the party started so she does. Midoriya grabs Momo, Mina, and Ochako's arms and drags them out to the center of the room and they all start dancing. Iida, and Todoroki just stand along the wall, Todoroki's eyes never leave Midoriya. On the other side of the room sitting in a chair also watching Midoriya is Bakugo, then he gets an idea. An hour has passed, and the room is filled with smiling, laughing, dancing teenagers. They are all having a great time, it seems everyone wants to dance with Midoriya. People keep coming up and asking to dance with him and since he loves dancing so much he agrees. Midoriya has danced with Mina, Momo, Denki, Sero, Kiri, Ochako, and even Iida. Todoroki hasn't let his eyes loose Midoriya once. Although his boyfriend is dancing with what seems like the entire class he is fine with it, until he sees Bakugo walk up behind Midoriya.

Bakugo puts an arm around Midoriya's waist, "let's show them what we can do," Bakugo whispers and pulls Midoriya against his chest. Midoriya blushes ever so slightly, missing the feeling of Bakugo's arms around him. It seems to be perfect timing as Memories by Maroon 5 starts to play. Bakugo gives the other teens a glare and they back away, all eyes on the two boys. Midoriya feels his heart speed up, and his eyes close, his body moving of its own accord. They start slowly swaying back and forth, Bakugo's arm doesn't leave Midoriya's waist. Midoriya and Bakugo dip down, rolling their bodies back up pressed closely together, their bodies moving as one. Midoriya spins facing Bakugo, his leg comes up going around Bakugo, who grabs it with his free hand. Midoriya raises his arms above his head, then he bends back away from Bakugos body, placing his palms firmly on the floor. Bakugo's arm comes from around Midoriya's waist, then Midoriya pushes off with his other foot flipping back and landing in a split a few steps away from Bakugo. Bakugo takes the steps back to Midoriya taking his arms, pulling him up into the air and spinning him at the same time. Bakugo catches Midoriya sliding him down his body, and they move around the circle of teens. Midoriya does flips, spins, cartwheels, and many other acrobatic dance moves alway with Bakugo help, or being caught in the air by Bakugo. Finally back in the center of the room, Midoriya spins back into their original position. Midoriya is pressed with his back to Bakugo's chest, Bakugo's arms around Midoriya's waist, both boys are covered in sweat, and panting heavily. The entire class cheers and claps, Midoriya opens his eyes and is looking straight into the angry eyes of Todoroki. He feels his heart stop, oh god what did I just do Midoriya thought.

Midoriya, pushes Bakugo's arm off his waist, peels his body away and runs straight over to Todoroki. Todoroki's anger wasn't directed at Midoriya though it was directed at Bakugo. Still panting slightly, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, please don't be mad." Midoriya wimpers, taking Todoroki's hand. Todoroki is startled out of anger by his boyfriend's words. Though when Midoriya takes his hand, he reaches up cupping Midoriya check, placing a sweet kiss on his lover's lips. "I'm not mad, that was sexy as hell, I just wish I could have been the one to dance with you,'' Todoroki says. Midoriya smiles at his boyfriend before releasing his hand, and walking off again. Midoriya gets a napkin to dap the sweat off his body then goes over to Jiro, they have a quick conversation and Midoriya returns to Todoroki's side. Midoriya takes Todoroki's hand and begins pulling him to the middle of the room where all of the dancing has been occurring. "Midoriya wh...what are you doing?" Todorki asks. "Making your wish come true." came Midoriya's reply. "B...but I already told you I can't dance." Todoroki stutters. "It will be ok, I promise." Midoriya says smiling back at him. When Midoriya and Todoroki enter the crowd of teens in the middle of the room they all back up again thinking they are about to get another show.

Todoroki looks into Midoriya's eye with a small amount of fear, but then Midoriya wraps Todoroki's arms around his waist, and his own around Todoroki's neck. Midoriya nodes in Jiro's direction, an she hits play. All for one's version of I could love you like that fills the room. Midoriya presses himself as close as possible to Todoroki, laying his head on the other boy's shoulder. Todoroki's fear and anger melts away, he rests his head against Midoriys. Both boys close their eyes, and slowly sway their bodies back and forth. It only takes a few seconds and the two boys are joined by others on the dance floor. Once the song ends Jiro can tell that the crowd seem content so she plays another slow love song for all the couples. Half way through the song Midoriya turns his body pressing his back to Todoroki's chest, wrapping his boyfriends arms more tightly around him. The two boys stay that way through most of the second song. As the song was coming to an end Midoriya tilted his head so he could look up at his love, Todoroki bent his head and the two lovers shared a soft, sweet, passionate, love filled kiss.

Over along a wall Bakugo grits his teeth, before punching the wall making his knuckles bleed. He then leaves heading to the bathroom.

Love Triangle (TodoBakuDeku)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें