22. Friendship

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For the first week after the fight and the incident in the infirmary Bakugo and Todoroki avoided each other, blaming the opposite for the situation they were in. They both kept a watchful eye on Midoriya and of course noticed the red puffy-ness of his eyes and the dark bags. The Friday of that week was when Todoroki could no longer take it. Something had to be done. After class that day, he waited for the perfect moment and when it came he snatched Bakugo by the wrist and dragged him into his room. Todoroki forced Bakugo to sit in a chair while he sat across from it on the bed.


T: "I can't... I cant watch Izuku pretend to be happy and ok any more."

B: "I know... I cant beleve even he stupid friends cant tell that, that smile is fake."

T: "That's because they don't know him like we do."

B: "Like how he would do anything to make others happy."

T: "Even if it hurts himself."

B: "I miss the way he always smells of Cinnamon and..."

T: "Cardamom."

Todoroki finishes Bakugo's sentence.

B: "And the way he chews his bottom lip..."

T: "When he's nervous."

Todoroki finishes again. Both boys laugh just a little.

Todoroki and Bakugo spend the rest of the night discussing all the things they miss about Midoriya. Then the entire weekend getting to know each other better. The two boys discuss what had happened between Bakugo and Midoriya. Todoroki could see the regret and shame in Bakugo's eye at what he had done. Over the next Three weeks Bakugo and Todoroki got over their hatred and jealousy of each other becoming tentative friends. They discussed the fact that neither of them would be happy without Midoriya, and also the toll of what they had caused was doing to the sweet green haired boy. After that they began to discuss what to do about their situation with Midoriya, finally coming up with an idea. They would have to share him.

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