21. Heartach

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Todoroki and Bakugo just stare at the door when it closes behind them. Bakugo reaches over grabbing Todoroki by the collar pulling him up to his face. "THIS IS ALL YOUR GODDAMN FAULT! IF YOU WOULD HAVE JUST KEPT YOUR NOSE OUT OF IT!" Bakugo screamed. "If I had kept my nose out of it, Izuku might have been hurt badly or worse!" Todoroki replied with nothing but malice in his voice. Bakugo let loose of Todoroki and stepped back, "y...yeah I know." Bakugo sighs. This caught Todoroki off guard, he looked into the eyes of the Boy across from him and saw something that he never would have expected, tears. Tears are now leaking down Todoroki's cheeks as well, without thinking he takes a tentative step forward and hugs Bakugo. Bakugo stiffens as Todoroki's arm's wrap around him, he goes to push the boy off him but stops then returns the hug. At that moment both boys were in too much pain to care that they were supposed to hate each other.

Midoriya is allowed to go back to the dorm the next morning, not wanting to see anyone he snuck back in and went straight to his room where he stayed the entire day. He didn't leave for anything, he just hugged his pillow, cried and slept the entire day away. Todoroki and Bakugo did the same.

On Monday Midoriya woke early, showered then got ready for class. He left extra early, and headed to the teachers offices, where he found Aizawa. After a bit of begging and explaining he convinced his teacher of what he needed done, then set off to his class room to make the changes. When the other students begin to enter the class they note that the desks had been moved and Midoriya is now seated as far in the back as possible, away from Bakugo and Todoroki. This is noted by all, his friends Iida and Uraraka enter and go to Midoriya asking for an explanation, but Midoriya just shrugs and tells them he isn't ready to talk about it.

Some time over the next week's what happened between the three boys has become known throughout the entire class. Midoriya does his best to avoid Bakugo and Todoroki with his two friends' help. The first week was hard for Midoriya, he would feel eyes on him only to look up from his work and find Bakugo, Todoroki, or both watching him. He Went right to his dorm room after class just to spend his nights alone crying and clutching his pillow. The worst part was when he noticed that Bakugo and Todoroki seemed to have gotten over him. The sad looks on their faces when they saw him had stopped, and they were no longer always watching him, or glowering at each other. Midoriya knew it would happen, just not so quickly. What Midoriya didn't know is that the two Boys' love for him hadn't changed, what had changed was their hatred for each other.

The assumption on Midoriya's part that the two boys he loved no longer loved him broke something inside of him. His outside behavior and happy demeanor was always present as to not give away the turmoil going on within him. Midoriya continued to get up and go to class, he did his work and spent the rest of his time in his dorm room. The only person who knew the truth of what was happening was Uraraka, she is Midoriya's best-friend after all.

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