18. Party Interruptus

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The song finishes, so Todoroki and Midoriya break from their kiss, Midoriya's cheeks flush as he looks into Todorokis eyes. Midoriya pulls away from Todoroki, fanning his face, "I will be back in a couple minutes, need to freshen up." Midoriya tells his boyfriend then heads in the direction of the bathrooms. When Midoriya enters the bathroom he sees Bakugo standing with his head hung at a sink, Midoriya turns to leave, but is stopped when he sees blood dripping from Bakugo's hand into the sink. Without thinking Midoriya rushes over to Bakugo pulling his hand up to look at it. "Kacchan what happened?" Midoriya asks. Bakugo was startled by the suddenness of his hand being grabbed and the voice of an angel beside him. "Tch, Nothing, It's fine." Bakugo says, Midoriya rolls his eyes at the other boy, then turns on the faucet. Midoriya put Bakugo hand under the running water washing away the blood.

"This is my fault Isn't it?" Midoriya says keeping his focus on Bakugo's hand. "I...I shouldn't have d...danced with you, It gave you false hope." Midoriya stutters out, a single tear falls down his cheek. Bakugo wipes the tear away with his free hand, "DON"T! Don't you ever think this was your fault, I'm the one who fucked this up. I'm the one who hurt you." Bakugo growled out. "Just know, I never meant to hurt you. My fear, and ego got in the way of me seeing what I was doing to you." Bakugo says with a sigh. "I love you Izuku, always and forever." Bakugo says leaning down kissing the green eyed boy. The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Bakugo turned and walked from the bathroom with a smile on his face. Midoriya had just stood there stunned through the whole ordeal, the things Kacchan had said made his heart race, and his head spin. Then Bakugo kissed him, it wasn't a long kiss but it had made Midoirya go weak in the knees. Midoriya ran a finger over his lips where the kiss from Bakugo still lingered. Midoriya couldn't help but miss that feeling. He quickly splashed water on his face, and neck. Midoriya leaned on the sink with both hands, staring at himself in the mirror. What was he going to do, he loved Shoto, but by the way he had reacted to Kacchan's kiss he knew he still loved Bakugo as well.

Bakugo had walked out of the bathroom after kissing Deku with one hell of a smile on his face. He had felt Deku's reaction, walking back to the common area with the party still in full swing, he smirked over at Todoroki. Todoroki noticed and that smirk made him angry for some reason, he continued to glare at Bakugo. Bakugo walked the rest of the way over to where Todoroki stood waiting for Midoriya to return. What are you smirking for, Todoroki asked as Bakugo got close to him. Bakugo leaned in "I just kissed your boyfriend in the bathroom. Haha and he liked it," Bakugo whispered. There were already small sparks and explosions coming from Bakugo's hand before he even finished his statement. Todoroki's right hand became a ball of ice. "YOU WANNA GO ICY-HOT, LETS GO!" Bakugo yelled. All the other students gasped and turned in their direction, Todoroki and Bakugo looked at their surroundings before heading towards the door. The other student's were all trying to stop the two boys from leaving the dorm building but nothing was working so they just followed them outside.

Midoriya was still in the bathroom, he was so caught up in his own thoughts, mumbling to himself that he didn't even notice the yelling and commotion coming from the other room.

Love Triangle (TodoBakuDeku)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon