1. How it all started

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After training everyone headed inside to change back into their school uniforms and continue the day. In the empty boy's changing room Midoriya stands his shirt still open in front of his locker. Behind him Bakugo searches to make sure they are the only two left in the room. He doesn't notice Todoroki who has been waiting to speak with Midoriya. Bakugo comes up behind Midoriya silently and slams his left hand on the locker next to him, while Yelling "DEKU!" Midoriya flinches and turns, coming face to face with Bakugo. "Kac... Kacchan," Midoriya stutters.

Seeing this Todoroki takes an unconscious step in their direction to aid Midoriya if needed. Before he can take a second step and reveal his presence the scene changes. Bakugo presses his free hand against Middoriya bare chest, softly pushing him back against the locker. A blush fills Midoriya's face. "I needed something," Bakugo states softly. "Kacch... ," But before he can finish Bakugo presses their lips together. A soft barely audible moan leaves Bakugo's throat as Midoriya deepens the kiss, and their tongues intertwine.

In the corner where he is now hidden a sharp pain shoots through Todoroki's chest, and his heart skips a beat. Across the room Bakugo snakes his arm around Midoriya pulling him in closer. Midoriya's arms wrap around Bakugo's neck, one hand tangling in his hair. Bakugo breaks the kiss, saying "I need it Deku." Midoriya nod's an drops down on his knees in front of Bakugo. He reaches up and starts to unbuckle Bakugo belt. This whole time the pain in Todoroki's chest has been increasing. He can no longer stand it and falls to his knees, which makes a noise.

The noise causes Bakugo to look in the direction it came from and step back. He trips over the bench that is situated between the lockers, falling back and kicking Midoriya in the face. Midoriya cries out in pain. Bakugo stands fixing his half done belt, he glances from where the noise came from to Midoriya. He reaches down to make sure Midoriya is ok when there is another sound. "DAMN IT DEKU," Bakugo yells before bolting from the room. Midoriya's noise leaks blood into his hand, and down onto his chest. Tears fill his eyes as he watches Bakugo run from the room. Slowly Midoriya gets himself to his feet, and leaves the changing room heading for the infirmary to see recovery girl. It took about ten minutes, but Todoroki finally made it back to his feet. Leaving he went straight to his room, not fully understanding why his body had reacted that way.

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