10. Tormented

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*This Chapter picks up with Bakugo after he listens to Todoroki and Midoriya in the bath. So it is taking place at the same time as the last chapter*

Bakugo bolted from the bath, after hearing the conversation between Deku and Todoroki. Tears stung his eyes, he knew now that he had hurt Midoriya badly, and had been hurting him for some time without even realizing it. There was no one he could talk to and he didn't know what to do or where to go so he just kept running. He spent the rest of the school day on the practice field. He ran for so long that his legs felt like jelly as he slowly walked back to the dorms. Bakugo took a quick shower then went in search of Deku, he was hoping to find him in his room but when Bakugo knocked there was no answer. Bakugo then went to the common area of the dorm, that's where he found Deku, but Bakugo couldn't get close to him as Deku was surrounded by his three friends. Bakugo resided himself to wait and watch until Deku was alone.

Bakugo watched from his hidden corner as the four friends watched a movie, then ate dinner together before watching a second movie. When the second movie was over they all got up and headed in the direction of Deku's room. Bakugo followed hoping he hadn't been seen, but Todoroki had been watching for him, and had seen him. Once they reached Deku's door Iida, and Uraraka Both hugged Deku and said goodnight. They headed in different directions to their own rooms. Alright, now's my chance. As soon as that icy-hot bastard leaves I can apologize and beg Deku to forgive me, Bakugo thought. Deku opened the door to his room, smiling at something Todoroki had said, then they both went into Deku's room. Bakugo's face turned scarlet with fury, he headed to his own room. Once there he screamed at the top of his lungs releasing his quirk and destroying his desk. Bakugo flopped down on his bed and spent the entire night staring up at the ceiling.

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