9. The plan

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Todoroki looked from his now sleeping friend to his other friend's. "Can you two stay with him for just a bit, I need to get some things." Todoroki says. "Yeah sure." both Iida, and Uraraka reply. Todoroki Leaves, then returns about fifteen minutes later carrying clothes and bedding. "What's all that for?" Iida asks. "I've decided to stay with him for the next few days," Todoroki says before putting his things in a corner of the room.

*This is gonna be another conversation between friends. U = Uraraka, I = Iida, T = Todoroki*

U: "Oh that's a good idea, It should keep Bakugo from sneaking in here."

I: "We should probably try to not let him be alone during the day as well."

T: "We have to convince him to tell Bakugo to stay away."

U: "Yeah, we'll just have to keep telling him how bad it is, and that he needs to end it."

I: "Maybe we should tell one of the teachers."

T: "No! Please don't, the only way I could convince him to tell you was by promising we would never tell anyone."

U: "You Like Deku don't you Todoroki? I can see it in the way you look at him."

T: "Yes Uraraka, but right now he just needs his friends so that's what I'll continue to be. A sad expression crosses his face."

I: "So for now we just need to make sure he knows that we are all here for him."

U: "And to convince him to tell Bakugo to back off."

T: "Ok It's a plan. You two should go change and get the stuff for the movie ready. I'll wake him up in about an hour and meet you there."

U an I: "Yeah, that sounds good." They both leave.

Todoroki sits there on the floor just watching Midoriya sleep thinking of how cute he is and wishing he could kiss his friends soft pink lips.

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