24. Restless

978 31 4

Todoroki and Bakugo slide past Uraraka, into Midoriya's room, the only light coming from the setting sun through a crack in the blinds of the balcony door. Both boys stare at the lump on the bed that is Midoriya. The covers have come partly off him. He is curled into a tight ball, his arms wrapped around his legs that are pulled up to his chest. His face scrunched up as if he was in pain, the bags under his eye visible even in the dark room. Bakugo slumps down in the chair at the desk, Todoroki drops to his knees, on the floor beside the bed. Without realizing it the two boys grab each other's hands for comfort. "What are we supposed to do now?" Bakugo whispers to Todoroki. "I don't know, But I'm not leaving." Todoroki replies. "Me neither," states Bakugo. The two teens sit and watch the Green haired boy as he sleeps, there in front of them.

What seems like days have passed but in truth it's only been a few hours. Midoriya, begins to whimper, and moves around in the bed. The boy in the bed thrashes in the bed, crying out. "Kacchan!" Whimper, "Shoto!" Pain filled cry, Leaves Midoriya's lips. The two boys look at each other for a flash, not knowing what they should do. "Fuck this I cant take it," Bakugo says, before lifting himself out of the chair and crawling into the bed behind the small green haired boy. Todoroki watches in shock, "Get over here Icy-hot," Bakugo says motioning for the other boy to join them in the bed. Todoroki climbs in on the other side of Midoriya, the bed is just big enough for the three of them. The two larger boys cuddle the smaller in between them each draping one arm over his small frame. Bakugo begins running his hand through the green curls on Midoriya's head, while Todoroki runs his thumb along Midoriy's cheek. "Were here baby, they whisper in unison." The small boy's body begins to relax, his whimpers and painful cries stop. Bakugo, and Todoroki just lay there making no sounds, until they too fell into a contented sleep, it would be the best sleep the three boys had gotting in weeks.

Midoriya was awoken by sunlight streaming in through the crack in his balcony blinds. He was a bit disoriented by the pills Uraraka had slipped him and his eyelids were still heavy. He just laid there waiting for the sleep to leave him further, that's when he felt the warmth of arms around him and someone's breath on his hair. Huh Uraraka must have fallen asleep wile she was here. Midoriya thought until he took a deep breath in through his nose. The scent made him shiver, it wasn't Uraraka sent but he recognized it, like smoked applewood, and burnt caramel. That's Kacchan's scent, Midoriya's eyes flew open, tilting his head slightly he looked up to see the ash blond asleep, next to him. He didn't understand what was going on, why was Kacchan in his bed, he mentaly asked himself. He couldn't help himself. He buried his nose in Bakugo's shirt and took a deep breath, that's when he felt something move behind him and another breath on his neck. Mioriya froze for a moment before slowly, and gently turned over to come face to face with another chest, this sent he recognized as well, peppermint, It was Todoroki. Again Midoriya buried his nose in the boy's shirt breathing in deeply through his nose. His eyes filled with tears, he missed them both so very much.

Midoriy turned again, laying on his back, noting that one arm from each boy was wrapped around his torso. "How the hell did this happen and how the hell am I going to get out of this bed?" Midoriya mumbled to himself. "Well you could just ask." Todoroki says, drawing Midoriya's attention to him. "Shoto, be quiet you're gonna wake up Deku," Bakugo grumbled. "He's already awake Katsuki," Todoroki chuckles. Bakugo opens his eyes to see an awake Midoriya, on his back between them. Midoriya took this as an opportunity to push their arms off him and scramble out of the bed and across the room. Bakugo, and Todoroki sat up in the bed, looking at each other for a moment before training their eyes and attention back on the green eyed boy. "Y...you c...can't b..be here." Midoriya stutters out, pulling his knees up to his chest, that's when it dawned on him. "D...Did you call each other Shoto, and Katsuki?" Midoriya asked. The two boys on the bed laugh slightly. "Err yeah, well that's one of the things we'd like to talk to you about." Todoroki states. "That is if you're willing to talk to us." Bakugo filled in. 

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