23. Learning

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It has been a month, thirty days exactly since the night of the party and fight that caused Midoriya to break his own spirit. Now that Todoroki and Bakugo have smashed their jealousy and anger, they realize they like each other enough to be friends. Todoroki and Bakugo have decided that neither wants to live without the small green eyed boy and will give him the option to have them both. They Love him that much. Todoroki has done a lot of research and has found that having a poly relationship is not always acceptable but he is sure his friends and classmates will be ok with it, so many of them care about Midoriya, they wouldn't want him to be sad.

It's Friday around seven in the evening, Bakugo and Todoroki leave their rooms meeting up and head down to the kitchen and common area in hopes to find Midoriya there. Once there they don't see him but Todoroki notices Iida, and goes to ask if he has seen Midoriya. "He is most likely in his dorm with Uraraka." Iida tells Todoroki when he asks. Todoroki relays this information to Bakugo and the two teens head back up to Midoriya's room. Bakugo is just about to knock when the door opens. They come face to face not with Midoriya but Uraraka, holding a bowel in her hand. She bumps into Bakugo's chest because she was looking back into the room as she exited.

U: "Ooph!"

Uraraka looks up at the boy she just bumped into, his hand raised to knock.

U: "What do you want?"

T: "We came to speak with Midoriya."

Uraraka takes note of Todoroki. She had only noticed Bakugo at first.

U: "You can't."

Uraraka has a sad look on her face

B: "Since when do you decide who can and can't talk to Deku?"

Todoroki places a hand on Bakugo's arm, to calm him.

T: "I'm sure she didn't mean anything by it."

U: "I literally mean you can't talk to him, he won't be waking up until some time tomorrow."

B & T: "Excuse Me?"

Uraraka sighs, looks back in the room before closing the door.

U: "I shouldn't be telling you anything, this is your fault after all."

Todoroki grabs her arms, looking in her eyes

T: "Uraraka please tell us, you know I would never hurt Midoriya on purpose."

Uraraka runs her free hand over her face.

U: "It's been going on for a couple weeks now, the only reason I know is because I found him passed out in the doorway to the boys bathroom. He hasn't been sleeping, or eating, so every three days I've been force feeding him katsudon laced with sleeping pills. Today is the third day, he's out cold, he won't wake for at least ten hours, sometimes more."

The two boys listen as she speaks.



Her words send daggers in to the teens hearts

T: "Uraraka, we're here to try and fix the situation, I know you're worried about Midoriya. Can you trust me enough to at least let us try?"

U: "You I trust Todoroki, him not so much."

Bakugo growls at the girl

T: "OK, trust me then, will you let us into his room, we will stay and watch over him tonight."

U: "Okay, but if you hurt him again I swear I'll float you two and drop you from fifty feet."

With that said she opens the door to Midoriya's room allowing the two boys to enter.

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