26. New Beginning

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The three boy's had stayed cuddled up together in Midoriya's bed. Bakugo and Todoroki tell Midoriya about how much they missed him and how they had come together to make the decision that they would be friends so they could have him. They had all dozed off happily and warm, cuddling up with Midoriya in the middle of the two taller teens. Soon there was a soft knocking on the door, "Midoriya, are you awake?" came Uraraka's soft voice from the other side. "Come on in Ura," Midoriya grogely replied. Uraraka was in utter shock at the scene before her when she entered her best friend's room. "What the hell?" she whisper yelled a bit louder than necessary, waking the other boys in the room. "Could someone explain what I am seeing right now?" Uraraka asked. Midoriya sat up in the bed, grumbles could be heard coming from both the other boys as he did. "Let us get ready for the day and I'll tell you all about it when we come down ok." Midoriya said to his best friend. "If you're sure you're ok, then all right." Uraraka says before eyeing the two other boys in the bed, then turning on her heels and leaving.

Once Back down In the common area Uraraka looked around the room, with a smirk. Hey y'all are gonna want to see this, She stated getting the attention of the others in the room.

Bakugo, and Todoroki had followed on the heels of Uraraka, going back to their own dorm rooms to shower and change for the day. The two boys came across each other, at the elevator going back to Midoriya room. Todoroki noted that Bakugo was carrying an extra hoodie. "What's that for?" Todoroki asked. "You'll see, just wait." Bakugo replied. They made it back to Midoriya's room to find him dressed in shorts and a t-shirt, "Here nerd put that on." Bakugo states tossing the hoodie he carries at the boy. Midoriya knew what it was and why, Bakugo had always thought he was adorable in Bakugo oversized clothing. Midoriya did as was requested of him, pulling the hoodie which was two sizes too big for him over his head. The sleeves engulfed his arms and hands, the waist went all the way down covering his shorts, to mid thigh on him. Midoriya smiled up at them, his eyes sparkling like they hadn't in the past month.

"If I have to wear this you have to carry me." Midoriya said. "No way." Bakugo grumbled. Midoriya began to pull the hoodie up over his head, "Alright fine," Bakugo caved. Todoroki just laughed at the two. Bakugo bent down, so Midoriya could scramble on to his back, once the smaller boy was in place Bakugo took Todoroki's hand lacing there finger together, and leaving the room. When the three boys were in the elevator on their way down Midoriya's stomach complained at him. He leaned into Bakugo's ear, "Kacchan, will you make pancakes, please?" Midoriya begged. Bakugo was too happy at that moment to say no so he agreed. At that point Midoriya's inner five year old came out, he got super excited. "Guess what Sho, Kacchan just said he would make us pancakes. Isn't he just the best?" Midoruya said happily. Todoroki smiled over at the green eyed boy, squeezing Bakugo's hand, "That sounds wonderful baby," Todoroki beamed at him.

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