7. A good friend

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When Todoroki opened his eyes the next morning it took him a few moments to realize where he was. His hand is still in Midoriya's hair, the other boy doesn't seem to have moved even an inch. Slowly and carefully to not wake Midoriya he moves the boy's head from his leg, then leaves the bed. He has things to do and wants to get 'em done before his friend wakes up alone. He gets to his room fast dressing in a grey t-shirt and sweatpants. Then he goes straight to the teachers offices to speak with his teacher.

Todoroki explains to Aizawa that Midoriya isn't feeling well and has asked him to see if they could both be excused from class that day. He tells Aizawa that he will ask Iida to take notes for them so they don't miss anything. Aizawa asks if Midoriya should be in the infirmary and Todoroki explains that it's just a stomach bug and should be better in a day. Aizawa agrees but states that they better be in class tomorrow or to see Recovery girl, and Todoroki agrees.

Next Todoroki goes to the kitchen to gather some breakfast for him and Midoriya along with finding their other two friends. He doesn't have time to waste so he quickly tells Iida, and Uraraka that he and Midoriya won't be attending class. He then asks Iida to take notes for them. Iida agrees, but looks puzzled by the request. Todoroki then tells them that he really needs them to come to Midoriya room after school as soon as they can. They nod and with that done he gathers his supplies and heads back to Midoriya's room.

Todoroki makes it back to Midoriya's room, to find a boy that is awake but still hasn't moved. "Uh... hey I'd hoped I would get back before you woke up." he says while depositing the food and stuff on a desk. Midoriya blushes, then covers his face with his hands as he remembers the state in which Todoroki saw him last night. Seeing his friend's embarrassment, Todoroki gets nervous and begins rambling.

"Don't worry about school, I got us both out of class," Todoroki says. Midoriya's eyes got big, "You... you didn't tell anybody right," he asks in a panic. "No I told Aizawa that you had a stomach ache and had gotten sick but didn't want to be alone so I was staying with you," Todoroki replies. "I also asked Iida to take notes for us so we don't fall behind, and he and Uraraka are gonna stop by after school." Todoroki says. "Are you hungry?" Todoroki asks? "I brought fruit, yogurt and toast from the kitchen." Todoroki says. "No.. not really, I kinda just want to go back to sleep," Midoriya says. "You don't have to stay, you could go to class or to your room if you want," he says but deep down he really hopes that Todoroki will stay. Todoroki sits in the chair by the desk and says, "yeah that's not happening, I'm not leaving you alone, you sleep and I will be right here when you wake up again." Midoriya sighs, then closes his eyes and goes back to sleep.

-----------------------the same time over in the school---------------------------------

Slowly everyone starts showing up for class, Bakugo sits at his desk waiting for Deku to sit behind him. He can't say anything during class but as soon as break comes he has to get Deku somewhere alone to apologize. "Hey Bakubro, how's it going," Kirishima says, waking up next to Bakugo. "Leave me the hell alone Shitty hair," comes Bakugo's reply, but it doesn't have its normal bite behind it. Soon after, Aizawa shows up and calls the class to attention. That's when Bakugo realizes that Deku never showed up. Shit, he isn't here. I must have hurt him worse than I thought. Fuck! I bet he hates me now. Bakugo thought.

Wile Midoriya sleeps Todoroki examines the things in his room. There are a lot of All Might things, Midoriya really is a super fan Todoroki thinks. When he looks over at the sleeping boy his heart skips a beat, he's just too cute. I need to tell him how I feel, just not yet, Todroki thinks. He goes back to the chair and starts to read a magazine from the desk before dozing off himself.

An hour or so later Midoriya wakes, his body hurts all over. He looks over at Todoroki sleeping in his desk chair and thinks oh, he's really cute like that. Midoriya then tries to sit up, he gasps in pain. The gasp wakes Todoroki who falls out of the chair onto his ass. Which causes Midoriya to laugh and cry out from the pain simultaneously. Todoroki brushes his two toned hair out of his face, looking over at Midoriya. "Are you alright?" Todoroki asks. "Mhm, I swear I think even my hair hurts," reply's Midoriya. This causes Todoroki to laugh and Midoriya to blush. "Um Todoroki, I need to get cleaned up but I'm not sure if I can walk." Midoriya says. Todoroki nods tell me where your stuff is and then I'll take you down to the bath.

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