2. The in between

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When Todoroki left the changing room his mind was swirling, he didn't know what he should do or where he should go. He stopped once to take a breath, then decided he just wanted to be alone. Turning around he headed to his dorm room, where he sat at his desk and stared at the wall. All the while thinking What the hell was that? Where did that pain come from? Why did I react like that? finally resting his head on his desk.

Midoriya already had his story ready when he reached Recovery girl in the infirmary. So when she asked him how it happened he knew exactly what to say. "I was putting my shoe on and fell over the bench in the changing room. Landed right on my face," He blushed and chuckled. Recovery girl kissed his cheek and the blood stopped instantly. "Here" she says, handing him a wet cloth. "Get yourself cleaned up and go on, oh and be more careful." She tells him. Midoriya cleaned the blood off his chest and face then buttoned his shirt and left. He went to the common area to spend some time with his friends and classmates.

When Midoriya entered he was spotted first by his friend Uraraka, who waves him over to the couch her and another friend Iida are sitting at. Midoriya went straight over to his friends, passing right by the table with Bakugo and three other guy's all talking about girls. An hour or so passed as every one just hung out and chatted about random things when the bell rang signaling dinner was ready. As people began to leave for the dining hall, Midoriya told his friends he wasn't really hungry and was just gonna go to his room.

Standing he ran straight into Bakugo's chest falling back onto his butt. "WATCH IT SHITTY NERD," Bakugo screamed. Tears welled in Midoriya's eyes but he held them back, not wanting Bakugo to see him cry again. Uraraka reached her hand out helping him up. "Are you ok Deku," she asked. "Yeah I am fine, Thanks." Midoriya replied. Bakguo's teeth ground together, every one assumed it was because he was angry at Midoriya. The truth was that he hated it when other people called him deku, that was his name for Midoriya. Bakugo growled before walking away. Turning to his friends with a smile, "I'll see you tomorrow ok, goodnight." he said with a wave. "Good night," both Iida and Uraraka said as Midoriya walked away.

As he is walking to his room Midoriya wipes the unshed tears from his eyes. As he is passing he realizes he hasn't seen Todoroki since practice, so he stops to check on his other friend. Knocking on the door, "Todoroki you in there?" "Yeah," Todoroki replies before opening the door. "Hey, I haven't seen you since practice so I thought I'd see if you were ok,'' says Midoriya. "Oh sorry I had to write a letter to my mom explaining why I can't visit on Sunday." Todoroki replies. "Oh, sorry for bothering you then, goodnight," Midoriya says. "Goodnight Midoriya," replies Todoroki.

Midoriya had done some homework, and some thinking as he sat in his room alone. Tonight would be the first night since he returned to the dorms that his balcony door would be locked. Since their return, Bakugo had been using his quirk to go from his balcony over to Midoriya's. Where he would find the door unlocked. Bakugo would enter wake Midoriya up and they would have sex, and Bakugo would leave right after. Tonight that would not be happening. Midoriya thought as he turned the lock on the balcony door. He gathered the t-shirt and shorts that were his usual sleepwear and headed to the shower. Before entering he made sure Bakugo was no were to be seen. After his shower he went straight back to his room. Midoriya lay in his bed, listening to the sound of the others who were still awake, but eventually the sounds died. He still couldn't seem to fall asleep, so he lay there hugging his pillow and crying. He eventually fell asleep from exhaustion.

Some time later Midoriya woke to the sound of someone trying to open the now locked door, followed by soft tapping on the glass. He groaned and rolled over pretending to be asleep, and the tapping sound became louder and more insistent. Sighing to himself Midoriya gets up out of bed, and shuffles sleepily to the door. He looked slightly up into the face of Bakugo, sadness on his face. His eyes were red and puffy from all the crying. "Open up." Bakugo says through the glass, Midoriya doesn't speak, he just shakes his head no. "I can tell you've been crying, let me in and I'll make it all better," Bakugo states with a cocky smile. Midoriya closes his eyes, takes a deep breath and shakes his head no again. "Please Deku I'm sorry about earlier, but I need it." Bakugo says, rubbing his hand over his own crotch. Midoriya can't help the tears that fill his eyes, spilling down his cheeks. He reaches over pulling the cord, closing the blinds on the balcony doors. He makes his way back to his bed, laying down hugging the pillow and crying himself to sleep again.

Love Triangle (TodoBakuDeku)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum