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Halloween Special (3/3)
Costume Party Mishap

"Come on, Vincent. Hold still." (Y/n) said, annoyed.
"I don't like it." Vincent said, stubbornly.
"Well, you have to wear a costume on halloween." (Y/n) pushed, Vincent rolled his eyes.
"But, did you have to pick a vampire?" Vincent scowled, making (Y/n) giggle while applying the last bit of fake blood to his mouth.
"I'm sorry, but it just suits you." (Y/n) teased, getting off the bar stool. Vincent rolled his eyes again, and crossed his arms.

"So, when is your boyfriend and his brothers showing up?" Vincent asked, adjusting his coat so the fake blood wouldn't stain it. "And, are they dressing up? Or am I the only one who gets to endure this pain?"
"Don't be overdramatic, Vincent." (Y/n) giggled, shaking her head. "But yes, I told them to dress up. Loz was the only one who didn't make a fuss."
"Hmph, can't imagine why." Vincent grumbled, making (Y/n) giggle again.
"It's a costume party, everyone is dressed up." (Y/n) said, "But speaking of those three, they're running lat-."

"Look, up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane it's.." Loz jumped into view with a proud smile of his face, standing with his hand on his waist and puffing his chest out, standing proud in his Superman costume. But then, a look of confusion appeared on his face. "Uh..Kadaj, what's the next line?"

"Oh, hello Superman." (Y/n) teased, playing along with Loz's costume. "It's nice to see you."
"It's me." Loz said, in an innocently adorable way. "It's Loz."
"Oh, I thought you were Superman. My mistake." (Y/n) said, playing along. "Anyways, where's Kadaj-"

"I'm here," Kadaj walked into the room, he was dressed in a low effort Dark Knight Joker costume. The only thing different about him was his lips had red paint on it, turning his annoyed expression into a fake smile. "Where's the candy?"
"Ah, Joker. You look good." (Y/n) teased, Kadaj looked at her and smiled.
"You look good too, Catwoman." Kadaj then walked passed her and made his way to the bowl of candy.

"I am also here." Yazoo's voice spoke, making her jump and turn around. (Y/n) smiled when she saw him, giggling at his costume.
"And what are you supposed to be?" (Y/n) asked, placing her hand on her hip. Yazoo adjusted his black mask, and rolled his eyes, he then cleared his throat.
"I'm Batman." Yazoo said, trying to deepen his voice. (Y/n) giggled,
"But, you're not wearing your bat ears." (Y/n) said, walking up to her boyfriend. "It's just a plane black masquerade mask."  
"Loz made the paper bat logo." Yazoo said, pointing at the, literal, paper Batman logo that was taped onto his chest.

"Well, I think you look great." (Y/n) said, giggling while her arms are crossed. Yazoo looked his girlfriend up and down, and smirked. Obviously looking at her skin tight, black Catwomen costume.
"And you," Yazoo placed his arms around her waist. "You, look sexy."
"Yazoo.." (Y/n) blushed, trying to hide her face. Yazoo just nuzzled into his girlfriend's hair, making her face go even more red.

The party was going well, Loz and Kadaj actually quite enjoyed themselves. Loz loved being the Man of steel, since Loz already had a banging body, it suited him very well. Kadaj on the other hand, he had a hard time eating with the red paint on his lips. He also got every annoyed with the small amounts of green in his hair, he thought he didn't look good. But, in reality he actually looked pretty decent.

Yazoo was the one who never left (Y/n)'s side, because of what costume she was wearing. It wasn't because he didn't trust her, he just didn't trust the men around her. So, he forced her to sit in his lap and stay there. She didn't mind though, it was quite nice to see him acting like this.

"Do you want a drink?" (Y/n) asked, unwrapping her arms around her boyfriend's neck. Yazoo just shrugged, making her roll her eyes.
"I can get it." Yazoo said, but (Y/n) shook her head.
"You've been doing things for me all night, let me do something for once." (Y/n) said, crossing her arms.
"Fine." Yazoo grumbled, (Y/n) excitedly got up and made her way to the snack and drink table.

While she was getting her drinks, she saw Vincent walk up to her.
"Hey, Vampire. How's your night going?"  (Y/n) asked, turning to him.
"I had two people come up to me and ask if I'm even wearing a costume." Vincent said, in a deep monotone voice. (Y/n) tried to hide her smile by taking a sip of her drink, but Vincent  noticed. "I presume this is very amusing for you?"
"Maybe," (Y/n) giggled, "I just think I couldn't have picked a better costume."
"Yeah, whatever." Vincent grumbled, he then looked over at the busy party. He noticed Yazoo's gaze, his eyes were just glued to (Y/n).

"Your boyfriend isn't blinking." Vincent teased, making (Y/n) look over at him.
"Yeah, I don't know what's wrong with him tonight." (Y/n) said, "He almost never acts like this."
Vincent nodded, he turned to see what other party guests were doing. But then he saw another man looking at (Y/n), his eyes were locked on her ass. Not knowing what to do, Vincent placed his cape over her so the man couldn't see anymore.

"Vincent, what are you doing?" She asked, looking at the placement of Vincent's cape, and his sudden closeness.
"There is a man staring at you..impolitely." Vincent said, he then waved Yazoo over. (Y/n) still didn't know what was going on, she just gave Vincent a look of confusion.

"What's going on?" Yazoo said, walking up to them. Vincent then motioned to the guy who was behind (Y/n) and him. "Oh, I see."
Finally, (Y/n) got what was going on. She saw Yazoo make his way towards the man, her palms started to sweat.
"Yazoo, don't do something you'll regret." She said, but Yazoo paid no mind to her.
"Believe me, Love. I won't regret this." He said.

Let's just say, the poor mad had to crawl out of the party once Yazoo was done with him. Surprisingly no one saw, only because he took the man to another room. (Y/n) felt flattered, but felt bad for the poor man. Even if he got what was coming to him, he still didn't deserve a fate that was Yazoo.

"Come now," Yazoo said, wrapping his arms around her smaller frame. "I'm tired of sharing you with the riff raff, let's get out of here."
(Y/n) looked up at him, curious eyes. He smirked at her, she blushed.
Signal received, loud and clear.

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