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Getting Back What Was Once Yours

"You're going to hurt your eyes if you keep staring like that." Kadaj remarked, mindless playing with his empty cup.
"Yeah, Yazoo. Plus you're making us look creepy." Loz said, taking another swig of his water. But Yazoo didn't move, he sat with his brothers in one of the back booths if the bar. His eyes locked on his ex, who didn't even know that he was there.

"Okay, Yazoo." Kadaj said, abruptly. "This had to stop."
Yazoo turned around, finally sitting straight In his seat.
"What are you talking about?" Yazoo asked, genuinely confused. Kadaj exhaled,
"You can't keep following her to random bars and stores, she's going to catch on."
"Plus, are you going to talk to her? Or are we just going to keep following her?" Loz added. Yazoo shrugged,
"I don't know." He stated, he looked over his shoulder to watch her again.

"You guys broke up two months ago, I think you can go a day without seeing her." Kadaj sighed, Yazoo looked back at this brothers.
"I just want to make sure she's doing okay." Yazoo said, taking a quick sip of his drink. Kadaj looked passed his brother, to see a man talking to (Y/n).
"I think she's doing fine, can't you forget about her? She's definitely forgotten about you." Kadaj said, motioning to (Y/n). Yazoo quickly turned back around, seeing a strange man talking to her, she smiled as if she was genuinely attracted to him. Yazoo could feel his heart being tugged, like his heart was going to force him to get up and get between her and the man.

"I can't take it." Yazoo finally said, turned in the direction away from his brothers, his eyes glued to (Y/n). "I can't take knowing that someone has my baby."
Kadaj didn't say anything, he looked at (Y/n), and back at Yazoo. He knew that Yazoo wouldn't listen to him, so the only thing he could do was encourage this ridiculous behavior.

"Go get her." Kadaj stated, Yazoo turned around to give his brother a look of 'really?', even Loz gave Kadaj a look of confusion. Kadaj nodded, confirming their thoughts. "Go get her back."
"Are you actually saying this?" Yazoo asked, Kadaj rolled his eyes and nodded.
"Yes. Now, you either let her go home with this random drunk, or you can get your..baby..back."
The word 'baby' rolled off Kadaj's tongue, unfamiliar and crooked. Loz grimaced at this, but joined in on the encouragement.

"Yeah, Yazoo!" Loz exclaimed, "Go get her back!"
"Are you sure?" Yazoo asked, both of his brothers nodded.
"Yeah, plus I miss her a lot!" Loz said.
"It also stops us from following her, I'm not ecstatic about stalking a girl that isn't even mine." Kadaj said, pushing his glass cup away. Yazoo thought for a second, he then got up.
"Okay. I'll go get her."
"Wait." Kadaj said, Yazoo stopped.
"What?" He asked, Kadaj then held up his empty cup.
"Get me a refill while you're at it." Kadaj said, Yazoo rolled his eyes and begrudgingly took the cup.

"If I can intrude." Yazoo said, placing his body between (Y/n) and the stranger. (Y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise, not expecting Yazoo to ever show up.
"Yazoo?" She asked, astonished.
"The one and only." Yazoo teased, he then leaned over and placed the empy cup on the bar. "It's a surprise seeing you here, (Y/n)."
"Y-yeah, I could say the same." (Y/n) said, a small smile on her lips.
"How have you been? Loz has not shut up since you'd left." Yazoo said, standing infront of the stranger who glared taggers at Yazoo.
"Has he?" (Y/n) awed, smiling. "I miss that big teddy bear, tell him I said hi."
"Oh, I definitely will." Yazoo smirked, he then looked back to see the stranger angrily wall off.

"New man?" Yazoo asked, nonchalantly motioning to the man who walked away. But (Y/n) shook her head,
"No, just a random guy."
"Oh, looks like he wasn't patient." He said, "Can't trust guys like that."
"Is that so?" (Y/n) smirked, Yazoo nodded.
"Yeah, you need a man who can intimidate the lesser man." Yazoo said, (Y/n) giggled.
"I'll keep my eye out for one, then." (Y/n) teased, Yazoo chuckled.
"Ouch." He said.

"But really, why are you here?" (Y/n) asked, taking a sip of her drink.
"Pure coincidence, Love." Yazoo lied, (Y/n) skeptically glared at him. "We used to talk for hours, thought we could do that again."
"Even after the break up?" (Y/n) asked, putting her drink down. Yazoo nodded,
"Especially after, I just want to make sure you're okay." Yazoo said.
"I'm fine, I'm just having trouble adjusting." (Y/n) said, truthfully.
"Trouble?" He asked,
"Yeah, sleeping alone is the hardest." (Y/n) looked down, but Yazoo agreed.
"A lot lonelier then I last remembered." Yazoo remarked.

"Remember the time we stayed in bed all day? Kadaj got so annoyed." (Y/n) remarked, giggling at the memory.
"Well, he was our personal servant for the day." Yazoo added,
"We only asked him to bring two things." (Y/n) excused, Yazoo chuckled.
"You wanted chocolate cake, he had to run to the store for that." Yazoo remarked, making her giggle more.
"But who paid for it?" (Y/n) tried, Yazoo playfully rolled his eyes.
"I did."
"Oh yeah." (Y/n) remembered, Yazoo smirked.

"I've missed this, you never fail to make me laugh." (Y/n) said, grabbing her cup.
"It could be like this again." Yazoo said, (Y/n) paused.
"W-what?" She asked.
"(Y/n)," Yazoo started, "I don't think you believed me that this meeting was a coincidence, but understand that I want you back."
"You do?" She asked, shocked.
"Yes, more then anything. It was a mistake, I understand now that I love you and can't live without you."

"Yazoo, are you sure?" (Y/n) asked, still skeptical, like it was some sick joke. But Yazoo's stare never wavered, or moved. Without a word, he leaned over and kissed her. (Y/n) didn't hesitate, she instantly cupped his cheek and kissed back. It was a slow, but passionate kiss. (Y/n)'s lips just ached for more, a craving that was finally met after mouths of waiting for him. Yazoo would say the same, it was like his senses were one fire, finally he had her in his arms.

They pulled away, (Y/n) didn't let go though, she still kept him close. Yazoo chuckled at this,
"I bet you missed me too?" He asked,
"Definitely." She said, breathless.
"What do you say, do you want to try again?" He asked, kissing her head.
"Please?" She asked, he nodded.
"God, I missed you begging." He teased.

"So, how did it go?" Kadaj asked, seeing Yazoo walk back to their table.
"We're back together." Yazoo said, Loz smiled.
"Yazoo?" Kadaj asked, Yazoo looked back down.
"Where's my drink?"

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