Yazoo & Kadaj

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Thanksgiving Special🦃

"Happy turkey murder day!" Yuffie yelled with a big smile on her face, while walking into the living room with (Y/n), who was having trouble carrying the drinks. Loz stopped eating, his fork dropping onto his plate.
"WHAT!" He yelled, instantly turning to Kadaj for answers. "We murdered a turkey?"
"You eat meat, it's not like it matters." Kadaj scoffed, Loz still looked horrified.
"It's fine, Loz. Think of it as..the turkey was going to die anyway." (Y/n) chimed in, motioning for Kadaj to grab a drink from her tray. "And also, if you don't eat what I made, I'll be sad."

"Eat, Loz. You don't want to make her upset, do you?" Yazoo asked, Loz looked back down at his plate.
"Well, no." Loz said, picking up his fork. "It is really good."
"Thanks Loz." (Y/n) smiled, watching Loz put his fork in his mouth. (Y/n) then motioned for Yazoo to take a drink, which he did, for him and Loz.

After (Y/n) finished serving drinks for everyone, she walked back into the kitchen where Cloud and Yuffie were. Yuffie was instructing Cloud on trying to make cranberry sauce, which just led to Cloud just giving up.

"(Y/n)." Yuffie said, getting her attention.
"Yes?" (Y/n) called, getting herself a plate of food.
"Did you really have to invite those three?" Yuffie asked, talking about the remnants.
"Well, yeah. I wanted them to be involved." (Y/n) said,
"But, why?" Yuffie pushed.
"Because, It's their first Thanksgiving. I wanted everyone I love to be in the same room." (Y/n) said, looking at Yuffie who's expression softened.
"Damn you, (Y/n)." Yuffie said, making (Y/n) laugh.

"I think it's good, it keeps them from finding Jenova." Cloud said, which (Y/n) nodded in agreement. Cloud then pushed the cranberries towards (Y/n), motioning for her to try it.
"Did you make it?" (Y/n) asked, Cloud nodded. So, she grabbed a spoonful and tasted it. The taste was so bitter, that she had to fight the urge to spit it back out. She coughed, but swallowed.

"D-Did you wash them?" She asked Cloud, which he nodded.
"With soap or just water?" (Y/n) asked, Cloud gave her a skeptical look.
"With soap." Cloud said.
"That's why." (Y/n) mumbled, Cloud tilted his head in confusion.
"Why?" He asked, "Is something wrong with it?"
"N-Nothing, it's really good." (Y/n) said, a little too fast and unconvincing. Cloud didn't look convinced, he still gave her a quizzical look. (Y/n) grabbed her plate, "Uh..anyway, bye Cloud!"
"Uh…" Cloud trained off, looking down at his bowl of cranberries.

"Thank you, for inviting us." Kadaj said, shyly. (Y/n) smiled, she sat down beside him.
"It's nothing, I wanted you guys here."
"You're the first." Kadaj said, looking at the rest of (Y/n)'s friends who were talking amongst themselves. "But, I do appreciate you trying to include us."
"I think they're staying quiet for my sake." (Y/n) said, taking a sip of her drink.
"What do you mean?" Kadaj asked, (Y/n) shrugged.
"Well, I said I'm happy because everyone I love is In this room. So, I think they don't want to ruin it for me." (Y/n) said, "Which is very kind of them."

"Everyone you love?" Kadaj asked, which she nodded.
"Of course."
"D-Does that mean..us too?" He asked, (Y/n) nodded once again.
"Well, yeah." (Y/n) said, in a 'it's obvious' tone, Kadaj turned away from her.
"Thank you." He said, (Y/n) giggled and leaned against him.

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