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Painful Love

"Do you have your bag packed? Your family and friends on speed dial? Your phone changed?" Kadaj asked, pacing.
"Yes, yes and yes. Kadaj, stop your worrying." (Y/n) said, she then slowly got up, holding her stomach.
"Your due date is tomorrow, we have to be ready." Kadaj said, pushing a strand of hair from her face.
"We don't know that, It could be a week from now or even today." (Y/n) said, playfully rolling her eyes.
"All the means to be ready, my dear." Kadaj said, he then leaned down and kissed her cheek.
"Ow! Loz!" A voice broke the two's conversation.
"Sorry!" Another voice said, (Y/n) giggled, while Kadaj rolled his eyes.

"Time to make your leave." (Y/n) said, Kadaj looked back at her.
"I don't have to go." Kadaj said, (Y/n) shook her head. "I can always go another time."
"It's fine, Yazoo and Loz are going to be here." (Y/n) started, "Plus, you need a break."
"I don't need a break." Kadaj rolled his eyes. "I'm just going to get more stuff for the baby. I can always go later."
"Kadaj, please?" (Y/n) begged, looking up at him.
"Fine, but I'm always a phone call away." Kadaj said, "Call me if anything happens."
"Kadaj," (Y/n) started, Kadaj chuckled and kissed her head.
"I know, I know."

(Y/n) got up from her chair, walking over to her and Kadaj's bedroom. Since Kadaj was leaving to make sure the baby stuff would be on time, that meant that (Y/n) was supposed to stay home and relax. (Y/n) could feel her legs starting to hurt, and her lower back starting to ache. Thinking it was nothing, she just wanted to sit down for a little while. She then felt her stomach start to hurt, she put her hand on her belly, thinking it was nothing, she just layed down. But the pain still continued, (Y/n) groaned, rolling over on her side. She then felt the baby kick, a surprisingly strong kick. (Y/n) got up, her feeling of growing discomfort becoming too much.

"Ow." (Y/n) said, under her breath. She felt her back and stomach start to hurt, really bad. She felt her breath become shallow, (Y/n) made an expression of pain.
"Hey, (Y/n)- are you okay?" Loz asked, walking into the kitchen. (Y/n) smiled, and sat down.
"I'm fine." (Y/n) said, Loz nodded.
"Yazoo said he was going to cook." Loz said, (Y/n) hesitantly nodded.
"I'll just sit and watch then." She said, Loz nodded again and went to find Yazoo.

"Please don't burn the house down." (Y/n) teased, Yazoo rolled his eyes.
"And the food!" Loz exclaimed, Yazoo just huffed.
"And you guys wonder why I don't cook." Yazoo remarked, making Loz chuckle. (Y/n) went to giggle, but she felt her stomach contract, making her loose her breath.
"Yazoo, aren't you supposed to put water in the pot?" Loz asked, not paying attention, Yazoo looked back at his brother.
"I..I knew that." Yazoo hesitated, making Loz roll his eyes. (Y/n) on the other hand was dying in pain, but then the contraction stopped, she finally got her breath back.

"Yazoo aren't you supposed-"
"Guys." (Y/n) tried fo intervene.
"Will you let me cook?!" Yazoo interrupted, (Y/n) tried again.
"It's not my fault you can't cook." Loz said, Yazoo turned around.
"You just haven't tried my cooking yet." Yazoo remarked.
"Guys.." (Y/n) tried again, feeling another contraction starting.
"I don't like trying burned food." Loz said, Yazoo groaned.
"Shut up, Loz!" Yazoo said.
"G-guys." (Y/n) stuttered, trying to speak through the pain.
"Don't cry, Yazoo." Loz teased.
"GUYS!" (Y/n) yelled, finally getting the attention of the two men. "I think the baby is coming."

Their eyes widened, Yazoo instantly turning off the stove.
"What!" Loz yelled, he instantly got up. "But Kadaj isn't here!"
"I need to call him!" Yazoo said, panicked, Loz nodded.
"But what is he's too far away?" Loz asked, obviously scared. (Y/n) on the other hand, got up, slowly walking to her and Kadaj's bedroom, grabbing her bag.
"Yazoo, what if he misses the baby?!" Loz screamed.
"That won't happen!" Yazoo tried to calm down, but his aloof demeanor was slipping into a frantic state as he tried to find his phone.
"Well, with or without Kadaj. I'm having this baby." (Y/n) said, slowly walking to the front door. "Just get me to the hospital."
The men nodded, Yazoo ran to get the truck while Loz helped (Y/n) get out of the house.

(Y/n) screamed as the contractions got worse and closer together, panicking Yazoo as he drove. Loz has to sit in the back because of the lack of space on the truck, he could hear (Y/n)'s screams of agony, making him feel nervous. Yazoo tried to calm (Y/n), who would just glare at him.
"Just breathe, (Y/n)!" Yazoo said.
"What do you think I'm doing?!" (Y/n) asked, angry.
"Uh.." Yazoo didn't know what to say, he looked at her while she grabbed the side handle. "Does it hurt?"
(Y/n) stopped, turing to him, giving him a "what do you think" look. Yazoo chuckled nervously.
"I..I guess that's obvious." He said, (Y/n) hit Yazoo's arm hard. "OW!"
"Get me to the hospital, or I swear to God, I will grab your gun and shoot you!"
"Okay, okay!"

(Y/n) sat in the hospital bed, groaning in pain. While the two men sat by her side, nervous.
"Loz, go call Kadaj." Yazoo said, Loz nodded and got up and left the room. (Y/n) went to speak but a contraction started up again.
"Not again." (Y/n) groaned, she then grabbed the side of the bed.
"Squeeze my hand." Yazoo said, offering his hand to her. Without hesitation, (Y/n) grabbed it and squeezed. Yazoo felt instant pain, "(Y/n), squeezing a little too tight."
But (Y/n) ignored him.
"Ow! (Y/n)!" Yazoo yelled, (Y/n) released, the contraction subsiding.
"S-sorry." (Y/n) stuttered, beads of sweat falling down her face. Yazoo felt his hand, playing off the pain.
"It-it's fine."

Loz walked back in, his phone to his ear, right when the doctor walked in.
"Hello, I'm here to check how many centimetres you are." The doctor said, (Y/n) nodded, laying her head back.
"Which one of you is the father?" The doctor asked, looking at Yazoo and Loz.
"I'm the father!" A small voice yelled though the phone, Loz jumped. The doctor smiled.
"I'll just check her, and we'll see how far along you are. How close are the contractions?"
"Three minutes." Yazoo said. The doctor nodded, she then lifted the blanket and checked. Loz and Yazoo awkwardly looked away. The doctor the quickly put the blanket down.

"She needs to give birth now." The doctor said, making Loz, Yazoo, and Kadaj yell in unison.
"Yes, she needs to give birth now." The doctor said, (Y/n) looked up at the roof, just trying to find any comfort in this situation.
"Kadaj is only ten minutes away!" Loz said, hanging up the phone. "Can't you just hold the baby in?"
The doctor, (Y/n), and Yazoo turned to Loz, who instantly regretted the question. (Y/n) then got up, feeling another contraction.
"Ow! Ow! Yazoo!" (Y/n) yelled, grabbing Yazoo's hand for comfort. The doctor the ran our of the room to get nurses, while (Y/n) screamed. "I need Kadaj!"
"He'll be here soon." Loz tried to comfort her, Yazoo grabbed her shoulder as (Y/n) leaned forward.

(Y/n) screamed, loud. Swear dripped down her face, her expression was twisted in pure agony.
"You can't give her anything?" Yazoo asked the doctors, holding (Y/n).
"Unfortunately, no." The doctor said. "Okay, (Y/n). You need to push a couple more times."
"O-okay." (Y/n) stuttered, feeling her strength slowly fading. (Y/n) screamed once she started pushing, an indescribable pain, erupted through her body.
"Good," The doctor encouraged, "keep going, (Y/n)."
"Ow! Ow!" (Y/n) screamed, Yazoo rubbed her back.
"You're doing good, (Y/n)." Yazoo said.

"I'm here!" Kadaj yelled, getting Loz's attention. "Has she-"
(Y/n)'s screams interrupted him, Loz nervously spoke,
"Yazoo's with her."
Kadaj nodded, he then walked into the room, seeing (Y/n). Her eyes lit up, even through the pain. Yazoo let go of her, making room for his brother to take over. (Y/n) layed back down, taking a momentary break.
"I'm here now, (Y/n)." Kadaj said, (Y/n) sighed in relief.
"G-good." (Y/n) smiled. The doctor then cut up.

"(Y/n), one more push." The doctor said, "One more push and you'll be a mom."
(Y/n) smiled up at Kadaj, who was nervous, but hid it well. (Y/n) sat back up, she then screamed, starting to push again. Kadaj held her close, letting her grip his hand, ignoring the pain.
"I see a head." The doctor said, reaching to grab the baby.
"It has a head!" Loz cheered, getting elbowed by Yazoo.
"I need you to keep pushing, (Y/n). They baby is half way out." The doctor damanded, (Y/n) mustered up all her strength. "Good."
The doctor encouraged, (Y/n) paid no mind. She only stopped when she heard a little cry, break the tension in the room.

(Y/n) stared, unblinking, the room was completely silent. Shocked at what she had just did, and now, hearing her baby's first scream. The doctor brought up the baby.
"Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor said, (Y/n) smiled. Kadaj kissed the side of (Y/n)'s head, holding her tighter. Loz was obviously ecstatic, while Yazoo crossed his arms and smiled.

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