Chapter 41~Neverending Dramas

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We took the last turn and we're finally close to reaching the hospital. Doctor Dannell had been monitoring Chloe closely for quite a while. There were major improvements in her condition and if God permitted, she could be discharged after a week.

We made a stop at a departmental store first. I bought her favorite candies and a small koala stuffed toy. She was one girl obsessed with koalas. I didn't blame her though, koalas were cute.

We parked our car at the lot and I never saw Shawn walking that fast with a pace that was too difficult to keep up with.

“Slow down, will ya? There is no hurry Shawn, you're leaving me behind.”

“Sorry.” He stopped on his foot and waited for me to catch up with him, “I am just too excited for you to see and talk to her. It's been such a long time since you last talked to her. She keeps asking me when you would return and play with her.”

I enveloped my hands around his arms as we walked towards the entrance, “Now we can. We could talk to her as much as and as long as we wanted. Now let's hurry up, she must be waiting.”

“Thank you for being here with me.” He kissed my forehead and smiled at me.

“Thank you for having me.” I looked up at him with the most heartfelt smile I could muster.

Room 202C. We entered the room and there laid an asleep Chloe, resting soundly. I could sense his reluctance on waking her up so he quietly walked towards the seat placed next to her bed and watched her closely, slowly taking her tiny hands on his.

Chloe was a light sleeper, and it made her immediately jerk and fly her eyes open. She sat up instantly and after a few moments, she finally sighed in relief when she realized that it was Shawn.

“Shawnie!” Her cheery voice squealed as she jumped on the bed and launched herself on him, throwing her hands around his neck.

“You're back!” Shawn got up from his seat and swirled her around tugging her small figure.

“I am back. Have you been a good girl while I was away? Did you give them a hard time?” He asked her with a smile as he placed her onto the bed again.

“Yes, I was. I did what they asked. They even gave me candies for being a good girl.” She covered her mouth and giggled.

God, she's so adorable!

“Wouldn't you give your Maya a big hug, Chloe?” I said and she looked in my direction for the first time. Her eyes widened and she jumped on the bed with excitement.

“Maya! You are back!” She ran towards me and I jogged towards the bed so she wouldn't fall.

She jumped up on me and gave me the tightest hug her hands could bestow and I instinctively hugged her back.

“Yes. I am. I missed you so much.” 

“No! I missed you more!” She pulled away and pouted.

I was about to argue but then I caught Shawn's glimpse signaling me not to.

Sometimes I forget I am the elder one.

“Shawnie, could you please bring me orange juice? Pretty please?” She turned towards him and used her puppy eyes that always worked like a charm.

“Where would I even find orange juice?” He huffed in annoyance.

“I don't know! Bring me some juice.” She crossed her hands.

He huffed but finally agreed, “Fine. Maya, could you please watch over this little devil while I go fetch some orange juice for her?”

“Sure.” I smiled and he nodded and walked out of the door.

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