"If it gets too rough he'll probably pull you out," she reasoned, earning a nod in return from the older girl.

Suddenly, the tent's doors were opened by Dumbledore, making them all turn to look at him. The other headmasters were there with him, along with Crouch and Hagrid. They stared at the extra students for a few seconds. "What are you lot doing here?" The headmaster asked them with a raised eyebrow.

They all looked back at him. Hazel faked a big, innocent smile before slowly making her way past the three headmasters, Crouch and Hagrid, the rest of them following close behind. "Sorry," she said quietly before walking outside. "God, that was embarrassing and awkward on so many levels," she muttered under her breath.

"Well now people are going to believe that you and Harry are dating, which is great," George grumbled as they made their way up the stands.

Hazel laughed loudly, shaking her head. "Everyone knows I'm your soulmate and your girlfriend. Plus, I'm sixteen and he's fourteen - he could be my child," she joked in a sarcastic manner, making George's face break into a smile.

Fred spotted Angelina, who waved him over as soon as she saw him there. He took no time in rushing over to her side, kissing her cheek and standing next to her with a smile. Hermione sighed when she saw Ron was standing there next to Seamus. The boy looked at her and bit his lip, taking a step to the side, as if he was making room for her. Hermione couldn't help but grin, making her way over to Ron, a blush on her cheeks. Of course, George went to the row that Fred and Angelina where in, standing next to his brother on one side and Hazel in the other.

The first to come out was Cedric. It was announced with the sound of a cannon. The crowd began chanting his name enthusiastically. "Diggory! Diggory! Diggory!" Hazel stared at the boy as he walked out of the tent, a nervous look on his face. Please don't die, she clung to George's arm with a squeal as the  Swedish Short-Snout came out of its cave.

"This is crazy," Hazel shook her head as she watched Cedric running around, trying to get the egg. The dragon didn't let up at any moment, always on the boy's heels.

Suddenly, Cedric used a transfiguration spell, changing a rock into a dog. "Wow! Look at him go!" Angie screamed, holding Fred's hand. The dragon began following the dog around, leaving the Hufflepuff quidditch captain with enough time to go back to get the egg. However, halfway through, the dragon turned its attention back to Cedric and spit fire, burning his neck and cheek.

"WOAH!" Fred and George chorused as Cedric jumped on the egg with a yelp, successfully retrieving it, passing the task. "Wicked," the twins chorused, clapping for Cedric. George had to admit, despite not liking him at all, that had been a great run.

Next, came Fleur Delacour against the Common Welsh Green dragon. The Beauxbatons began cheering immediately, jumping up and down and pulling up signs with Fleur's name. "She's so beautiful," Hazel said softly, catching George's attention.

"You're beautiful," he replied, kissing the top of her head. "The way you see her, that's how people see you," he said, referring to the fact that she was a veela as well. Hazel's eyes widened at the thought. "But you are actually the most gorgeous human I've ever seen," George grinned as Hazel blushed.

The couple was interrupted by the dragon's entrance and the students applauding. They turned their heads as Fleur raised his wand and uttered a spell, making the dragon fall asleep instantly. The veela witch skipped over to the egg, but as she went to grab it, the dragon snored, letting out a jet of flame and setting her skirt on fire. Fleur quickly extinguished the flames with a spell before rushing over to the egg and completing the task.

"That was awesome!" Alicia exclaimed, looking at the scenario in awe. "Who's next?" Viktor Krum walked out of the tent, raising both hands as the audience chanted his name.

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