Very Truly NOT What Wally West Expected

Start from the beginning

"Todd, let me handle this." One of the others tried to yank her down, but the girl was heated now. 

"Do We know the Waynes?" Dye-job asked furiously. "Do WE know the Waynes?"

"I'm just asking, cause... I need to find..." Wally started, backing towards the bedroom door.

"Do the Waynes know the Waynes?" She repeated.

"Jazzy, calm down, you're not making this easier on her." A girl with eye bags slightly shaggy, unkept hair said tiredly, wrapping her arm around the girl curled up with her pillow, who was still yet to produce sound, say for some quiet sobs and sniffles. 

"You need to leave." The oldest woman (Maybe their mother?) stated, glaring him down. None of the women looked like they had slept in days. "How did you even get in here?"

"Look, I know the Waynes, okay? I just need to find Dick so I can tell him I'm Okay!" Wally practically shouted.

"Who's Dick?" The one with the unkept hair asked, letting her younger companion lean into her.

"How did he slip in past Pennyworth?" The eldest of the youngest exclaimed, looking vaguely stabby.

"Pennyworth? Like Alfred Pennyworth? He can vouch for me! I've been coming over here with Dick since I was, like, an embryo! I-"

"I'm asking you for the last time to leave peacefully." The woman growled, making Wally shudder involuntarily. The was as terrifying as Batman. Fuck, maybe even more!

 Wally had just woken up, and this was too much stress. "I can't get into it, but shit happened in the arctic, and when I woke up no one was there! and I need to tell my boyfriend I'm alive! He probably thinks I'm dead- or, gone forever! I need to see Dick Grayson!" He shouted desperately, backing away from the woman's withering gaze.

"Grayson?" The oldest of the youngest asked, a little confusion breaking through her spiteful tone.

"Yeah! Richard Grayson!" Wally exclaimed, a hint of hope returning.

"You mean Racheal?" The Dye Job (apparently named 'Jazzy' ) asked accusatively.

"Huh? No-" Wally started, confused.

The girl on the bed, who appeared to be the youngest, in her late-teens or very early twenties, raised her damp, red face from her pillow case. "Willow?" She sobbed a little, pulling her eye up towards Wally.

"Shh Dixie..." The most upkept looking girl shushed in a calmer voice, trying to pull her back on the bed. "You're okay, he's leaving, and we'll get you some more water..."

"But Will-" She pushed past the older and got a better look at Wally. Her teary face filled with disappointment, confusion, and eventually, devastation. "Willow?"

"Dixie, that's not her, okay?" Unkept muttered, trying to pull her back.

"...just, looked like her..." The youngest, Dixie, pulled her knees up again, hugging and hiding behind them. 

In these few seconds, Wally got a better look at her as well; black hair, lean muscular figure, blue eyes, dark eyebrows, slightly upturned nose... She looked just like Dick.

"You look just like Dick." Wally said before he even realized he was talking. "You look just like my boyfriend! Dick Grayson!" He let out a soft scoff of excitement from this realization.

"Excuse me?" The oldest Woman asked viciously, stepping forwards threateningly, reminding Wally that he was being forcefully removed via batglare.

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