Chapter Sixty-Three: A Bit Nutty

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Eve sat on the stool, sighing. She looked around, pursing her mouth to the side as she scanned the party-goers. 

She spotted Greg and Bea glued together and swaying side to side at an extremely slower pace than the song that was actually playing. Everyone around them was feeling the music, but clearly her friends were dancing to a different tune going on in their heads.

Eve was curious about where Madison and Charlie were.

Since welcoming Madison into their friendship circle, Charlie had declared to be the one to show Madison the ropes of how things worked in their group. Bea and Eve had glanced at one another, curious themselves as to exactly how things did work amongst them. But they said nothing since Charlie was slowly seeping back to being Charlie—minus the boy crazy psycho-ness.

With Madison in their group, there was the unwanted appearance of her older sister. Madison would share with her new friends, about the overwhelming questions she'd receive from Marina. Madison would shrug saying that it was quite fun to be a part of the group that her sister hated, and embraced the company of the three girls her age and not the followers Marina had.

There was some slight tension on Bea's part, Eve noticed. Madison was oblivious to it since she was so enthralled in her new friends. So Eve had pulled her friend aside after lunch the day before and asked Bea about why she looked so uneasy on how close Madison would sit next to Greg.

After finding out that Greg and Madison had lost their virginities to one another, Eve's eyes widened. Bea sighed, deadpanning, "Exactly."

Eve was glad though that Bea had gotten over Madison trying to wedge in on Greg since Madison didn't even mention what had occurred between herself and Greg. It was like it never happened, and Eve could tell that it was a lot of relief on Greg's end because he had now stopped glancing at his girlfriend to his one-night stand and then whispering in Bea's ear to calm her down.

Greg and Bea were now back to normal like in the beginning of the year; being all flirty and lovey-dovey to one another.

Eve's curiosity of Madison and Charlie's whereabouts was interrupted when someone sat beside her and a plate of mashed potatoes appeared in front of her. She blinked at the plate and glanced to the side before she scowled at Conrad. He had taken it upon himself to sit on the vacated stool beside her.

Conrad was bobbing his head to the beat of the techno song playing and using his hands to drum on the counter in rhythm.

Eve kept glaring at him and craned her neck forward when Conrad continued to sit casually. She raised a brow, scoffing, "I'm sorry..." This caught the boy's attention and Eve shook her head, "but what the hell are you doing?"

She waited for Conrad to say something but the boy looked like he was trying to figure out what to say. Like he hadn't thought of what to do after he sat down.

"What do you want?" Eve asked icily.

Conrad narrowed his eyes slightly for a moment and then closed his eyes to take a deep breath. "I'm here to make peace," he offered. He nodded towards the plate of mashed potatoes in front of Eve and she glanced at it again. 

As tasty as it looked—since her last plate was eaten for her—Eve shook her head and shoved the plate back towards him. "Nope. Don't want it." She crossed her arms and faced forward.

"Aw, come on. Just take it, will you? I'm trying to apologize for being an asshole."

Eve glared at him, her face heating up. "Why? Why do you want to apologize? Because I wasn't humiliated in front of our peers like you were hoping?" She scoffed, "Or perhaps because my boyfriend wants to kick your ass again?"

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