Chapter Sixty-One: Fluffy Goodness

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Charlie, Bea, and Madison cheered after an enthusiastic Garrett pumped his fists in the air and bobbed his head back and forth to the beat of the Drake song blasting from the house they were approaching. 

Garrett's car was parked at the end of the block since they arrived a little later. The walk wasn't too far from the house they were heading to, but still Eve had been debating that maybe she should have brought along her small shoulder bag after all instead of leaving it in the car. 

Her friends, however, assured Eve that if she really needed it later, that one of the boys could always get it with a run to the car.

Caleb stared at Garrett, shaking his head and mumbling how lame Garrett's dance moves were. Greg grinned at his oldest brother's enthusiasm then glanced behind him at the couple trailing behind. 

Gabriel rolled his eyes while he had his fingers intertwined with Eve's. Eve leaned her head on his arm, smiling at the excitement from the group.

After much convincing on Eve's part of needing to sit down and talk with Garrett alone, Gabriel finally relented. He sat at the kitchen table with his arms crossed, staring into the living room with narrowed eyes where he had perfect visual of his brother and girlfriend.

Greg sat beside him, shaking his head and telling his brother that he had nothing to worry about.

"She's not like that, Gabe," he reminded him. 

Gabriel kept his narrowed gaze forward and grumbled back, "It's not her I'm worried about."

But by the end of their conversation, Garrett had assured Eve that his intentions had been to get her with his brother. Garrett admitted that it was towards the end, before the fiasco, that things might have altered a bit.

"I only wanted him to man up and tell you already," he shook his head. Garrett raised his shoulders sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. He glanced at Eve and blushed, "I maaaaay have lost focus along the way."

After about an hour of talking about what transpired and then having the understanding that nothing was ever going to happen with Garrett, Eve gave Gabriel a heart attack when she leaned over to hug his brother. But Eve pulled away after a moment to give him a look.

Greg smiled at his favorite brother and Eve before turning forward and wrapped his arm around Bea's shoulders. He chuckled when Gabriel grumbled for Garrett to stop embarrassing them.

The oldest McNeill turned around and raised a brow, pointing at the back of the group. "I'd be careful if I were you, little brother!"

Greg looked behind him again to see Gabriel expertly roll his eyes and lean his head to the side when Garrett reminded Gabriel that he wasn't supposed to be out in the first place.

Earlier Gabriel had snuck out his window after deliberately getting into a fight with Mr. McNeill so the teenager could make a show of going to his room, slamming his door, and locking it. Mr. McNeill had been pounding the door, demanding his son to open up. His wife behind him mumbling something close to her husband needing to calm down.

To make his dramatics more effective that he wasn't coming out anytime soon, Gabriel turned the volume of his stereo full blast for Thrice to vibrate against his bedroom walls. Just hearing 'Silhouette' put a grin on the teenager's face.

When he was all set, Gabriel spun on his heel and darted to his window. He climbed down with the help of the metal railing attached to the side of his house.

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