ღChapter Forty-Four: Tasty Kisses

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The timer going off startled both teenagers. When the boy went over to the oven, Eve suddenly smacked Gabriel's hands from opening the oven. He scowled at her, telling her that he had to open it but Eve explained she'd get them out since Gabriel had done most of the work anyway.

Gabriel rolled his eyes, saying that it didn't matter, but Eve ignored him. She insisted to put her own efforts to this baking activity.

After taking the two pans from the over and placing them on protective mats Gabriel laid out on the dining table, Eve asked about frosting. Gabriel nodded, returning to the pantry to retrieve three different containers and placed them beside the still hot pans. There was even a container of sprinkles he found. Gabriel advised they were going to have to wait until the cakes cooled before Eve could put the frosting on them.

Eve raised a brow, smiling widely as she squealed, "I can put the frosting?"

Gabriel squinted, grinning as he nodded.

Eve gasped, smiling brightly as she was looking back to the cakes and bounced a little on her feet. She wished the cakes would cool a little faster. Eve loved frosting! She was so excited, she found herself bouncing on the balls of her feet even more.

Gabriel glanced at her feet, lifting only his eyes at the side of her face. He couldn't help grinning a little before he headed back into the kitchen. He heard Eve behind him as he made his way to the sink with the used dishware piled in the large red bowl. 

Gabriel placed the bowl into one side of the sink, glancing at Eve beside him. She was looking over his arm and he felt her chin grazing his sleeve. He stepped aside from her, making Eve glance at him curiously.

The teenage boy focused on the bowl in front of him when he felt her brown eyes on his face.

"I better wash these before the batter hardens. Makes it difficult to scrape off."

Before he could finish pulling up his sleeves, Eve surprised him when she bumped her hip against his. 

Gabriel frowned, catching himself from his stumble. "The hell, Prince?!"

The girl smirked, shrugging. She was reaching for the sponge already and the pull-out faucet. She volunteered to wash the dishes to pass the time until frosting the cakes was possible.

Gabriel rolled his eyes, muttering under his breath and went over to reach for the faucet cord she held but she was trying to block him from it.

"I said I've got it, McNeill! You just wash and I'll rinse!" Eve scrunched her nose, leaning away from him. She shoved the sponge in his face. 

Gabriel shook his head, arguing that Eve could wash and he would rinse. They kept going back and forth, bickering that the other was better off washing the dishes.

This time, however, when Gabriel reached for the pull-out facet, Eve growled, shaking her head and tightened her hold on the cord. 

"Seriously, Gabriel! I said I could handle—" 

Eve's eyes widened, letting out a loud gasp. She accidentally pressed the handle on the facet cord and water shot at his face. Gabriel froze, his eyes shut tight and nose scrunched. 

For a moment it was quiet, the stunned silence between them until Eve sputtered out a laugh. The boy in front of her peeled open an eye and then the other. He used his sleeve to dry his face and frowned at her.

Eve giggled, leaning forward with the cord still in her hand.

Gabriel scoffed, "Think that's funny, do you?"

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