ღChapter Eleven: Prove It

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"It's bad enough  we share two classes with him thanks to some classes having mixed grades in them but then he has the nerve sitting right next to me?!" Eve was complaining, throwing her arms upward. She looked at Charlie and then turned to her right only to find Aaron instead of Bea. Eve quickly scanned around for her other friend before looking over her shoulder and saw Bea giggle into Greg's shoulder as they went down the opposite hall.

Charlie glanced at Eve as they were on their way to their next class. Her younger friend had been non-stop venting about Gabriel and how throughout class he'd do little things just to annoy her.

For instance, the time that was supposed to be used taking notes from Ms. Willabee decoding the poem they read, Eve kept hearing a constant tapping. It wasn't really loud, just enough for her and Charlie's ears. But it was coming from Gabriel's seat.

When the girls looked over, he was drumming his thumb on the desk, near the side closer to Eve.

Gabriel, who was pretending to pay attention with his brows raised and pursed mouth, solely shifted his gaze to the side at the brown eyed girl glaring at him. Her face grew dark and she was mouthing to him, "I know what you are doing."  Gabriel's smirk acknowledged that she was right before he drummed a little louder.

A while later, after drumming was too boring and losing its effect, Eve kept turning and whispering with as much annoyance in her tone as possible, "Stop it!" while Gabriel was grinning widely. She glared at him again, glancing at the top corner of his desk where he had little pencil shavings (that he got from who-knows-where) in a tiny pile. He had been flicking them at her at the most random times when Ms. Willabee had her back turned. They were hitting Eve's left cheek and one almost got in her eye had she not pulled up her hand to cover her face in time.

Once class was over, Gabriel was the first to leave, shouldering his way through the crowd. And only then was Eve able to begin her usual rant on how annoying he was.

Charlie gave her friend a small smile.

"I'm sorry, Evie. Gabriel just likes to get on your nerves because he knows it's easy to. I can talk to him for you if you want?"

Eve glanced at her as they were still continuing to walk down the hall while Aaron, walking beside her, had to weave around a couple making out, and then he doubled his steps to catch up to the girls. He was standing a lot closer now to Eve, his arm touching hers. Eve lightly elbowed him to make space. But Aaron just stood closer than the first time.

She shot Aaron a warning frown before looking at Charlie. "What good would that do exactly?"

Charlie bit her lip. 

She hadn't told Eve the good news about the spontaneous courage she had this morning when she kissed Gabriel. She had planned on telling her earlier, but with Eve's lunch date,and then with Gabriel sitting beside them made it impossible. 

"Well..." They reached Charlie's locker and she was turning the dial on her lock slowly as she was preparing herself to tell her friend. Aaron kept lifting his hand towards Eve's head and she glanced at him a few times with him quickly retracting it to his side. He'd start his attempt once more when Eve looked away.

"Well, what?" Eve frowned, blinking all of a sudden and turned to frown at Aaron. She eyed him suspiciously then faced Charlie again.

Charlie had stopped trying to open her locker and was staring at Aaron behind Eve. Eve's attention once more went to her tag-along and smacked Aaron's hand as it was in mid-reach towards her hair.

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