ღChapter Three: Gabriel's Curse

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Charlie laughed once Aaron was out of earshot and shook her head. She grinned at the group, giggling, "Poor Eve. She's clueless how much Aaron is in love with her."

The younger McNeill turned to the cheerleader still giggling, his blue eyes widened, "In love with her?"

Bea smiled, chiming in, "I guess it's more obsessed." She would know. "But she doesn't understand why he acts the way he does around her. Eve has to repeat everything anyway because he never hears her the first time."

Her friend laughed, holding her hand to her mouth.

"Yeah, he's too busy staring into what he calls 'A Beautiful Muddy Ocean'."

She laughed after pointing out the time when Aaron had told the girls who had the more pretty eyes out of all three of them.

Greg and Gabriel stared back at them. There was some concern on Greg's face and wondered out loud when Eve was going to blow a gasket.

After an additional fifteen minutes of conversation, Greg looked at his wrist watch and blinked, "Oh man! I've got to go. But listen, Bea," he looked up at her with a grin, "Why don't you and the girls come over this weekend? Caleb was going to be there but he said he has a project to work on. So it'll be fun to hang out still but with you gals."

Bea's eyes lit up as Greg's face did when she finally replied, "I'd--- I mean--- we'd love to!"

Charlie nodded, trying hard to not squeal at the invitation. Being the younger sister to one of the friends of the McNeill boys was paying off again. She took hold of her friend's arm, smiling at her in a silent way to keep Bea collected before turning to the boys.

"We'll be sure to bribe Eve to tag along. Better yet... We'll just drag her."

Greg looked puzzled for a moment but then glanced at his brother, "Oh... Right."

Gabriel turned, lowering his brows, "What? What'd you look at me for?"

His younger brother grinned, shrugging a shoulder, and pointed out, "Because Big Brother. There was that one time the girls came over and was the origin of an on-going war."

The older McNeill had a thoughtful look on his face before suddenly grinning. He nodded, "Ah, yes... That's right."

At Greg's tenth birthday, the girls and their families had gone over to the McNeill house to celebrate. The McNeills had invited Greg's classmates along with a few friends of Garrett and Gabriel. The expansive backyard was able to hold thirty plus people not counting the children who were invited.

Everything was fine until all the girls sat on the back patio watching the boys playing football.

A brunette by the name of Marina was sitting with her arms crossed in her very expensive party dress bought for that day, and sniffed, "Since when do we invite the help to attend the cool parties?"

Charlie looked over at the snooty girl sitting at the end of the stone bench they were all sharing with a frown. She then turned to Eve sitting beside her who gave a small glance her way. They obviously knew who Marina was talking about.

Eve and her mother were not exactly born into wealth like most of the party attendees. And because of now being in the same class as the others, Marina and her circle of friends always had something to say about this.

Marina had rolled her eyes when Charlie turned back to warn her off.

"Whatever! Her mom being around is useful for when the party is over and needs to clean up after us, anyway! Eve can get used to seeing herself when she's all grown up!"

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